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What Would You Do? - Flofocus - 06-29-2006

...over by terrorits? I'm talking like a USA invading Iraq type situation....

A freind of mine and I were talking about this last night while working on the engine.

I told him if I woke up one morning to see a bunch of masked men downtown Ottawa rounding up poeple and the news was saying Canada was being invaded and what not that I'd head over to his house since he has the most weapons (he's a huge gun entusiast and hunter). I would then get as much equipment as possible and start hiking it North. I figure we'd have a better chance fighting in the woods and stuff. :lol: I'd also ask my father to come since he does have military training and what not...should come in handy.

Would you guys run? Take your family to a better place? Or fight to death? What?

What Would You Do? - guilty - 06-29-2006

I'd probably be watching TV in my underwear when they'd break in the door, then go without a fight. I'm some sort of super man I think..

What Would You Do? - darkpuppet - 06-29-2006

I'd take them out for pints and steal their tanks after they pass out.

What Would You Do? - Oscar The Grouch - 06-29-2006

I'd say,"Guys this is Alaska, Canada's that way", while pointing west to Alberta. :lol:

Let's see how smart Military Intelligence is.

What Would You Do? - NOS2Go4Me - 06-29-2006

Next stop - Iqualit. Remote Northern Ontario or Quebec also works. What terrorist wants to capture blackflies? Load up the car, as much gas and food as we can carry, take Sara somewhere safe on the first run. Repeat from the closest town (supplies and gas). Set up a solar farm with wind generation, maybe a portable water purifier if the local supply was questionable or could be easily compromised. We're got tents and enough rations for weeks as it is right now.

I guess we're already prepared. ;)

What Would You Do? - focusracer - 06-29-2006

I'd go into hiding and then become famous as the guy who turned Bush's head into a canoe from a mile away. Then head to the homeland :D

What Would You Do? - naz - 06-29-2006

if canada was being invaded by terrorists.. i'd go to the US. i trust to the US army to kick ass much more than the canadian army.. i could be wrong on that. whether i stayed in canada or went to the us, i'd go somewhere remote and away from big cities

What Would You Do? - jen_deans - 06-30-2006

Oscar The Grouch,Jun 28 2006, 01:39 PM Wrote:I'd say,"Guys this is Alaska, Canada's that way", while pointing west to Alberta. :lol:

Let's see how smart Military Intelligence is.

That made my day!
I would get my car, family and kitty and drive away (North does sound good to me!)

What Would You Do? - crazikev - 06-30-2006

buy a cow catcher and weld it onto the focus and have some fun running terrorists over :P

What Would You Do? - Aka - 06-30-2006

Why would terrorists invade a country?

Don't you mean the United States? They'd invade us.

What Would You Do? - 02ztsian - 06-30-2006

This topic reminds me a bit of the movie "Red Dawn". Russian paratroopers floating to earth as you sit in class at high school!
Think about the average Iraqi citizen; having your country invaded by a foriegn superpower because they don't like your government, and to secure access to your natural resources. Do you really blame the insurgents for trying to drive the invaders out of their country? Would YOU do the same? Or would you embrace the "enemy" with open arms.

What Would You Do? - NOS2Go4Me - 06-30-2006

Given the way things were with Saddam (a vast minority has everything, the rest have essentially nothing), one would hope they'd be a tad bit more open-minded.

Having said that, I'd find a securable location and then defend that to the end.

What Would You Do? - Oscar The Grouch - 07-01-2006

NOS2Go4Me,Jun 30 2006, 08:29 AM Wrote:Given the way things were with Saddam (a vast minority has everything, the rest have essentially nothing), one would hope they'd be a tad bit more open-minded.

Its the same here in Canada, 5% of the population control 90% of the wealth. God bless our capitalist society.

What Would You Do? - NOS2Go4Me - 07-01-2006

But you and I certainly don't do without. Over there, everyone else (everyone else being a lot more than here, anyways) does without.