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Grouchy's Lesson For The Day - Printable Version

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Grouchy's Lesson For The Day - Oscar The Grouch - 06-01-2006

As you all know I'm trying to buy a house. Lots of people do this, and many people become happy. :)

So about 3 weeks ago I applied for a pre-approval and the banker comes back to me and says, You have some issues on your credit report you should get checked out."

I'm like, okay WTF can go wrong now.

So I call up one of the credit bureaus and the guy on the other line goes through my report and brings up:

1. My credit card - Okay that's cool.
2. Woolco credit card - WTF?
3. Car payments in the early 90's - I WAS TEN YEARS OLD AT THE TIME!!!
4. House loan from the sixties or seventies (can't remember) - I WASN'T EVEN BORN YET!!!

Anyways I had a long talk with him and with my dad and it seems that our credit got mismatched.

Nonetheless, fast forward to today and now the report is good except for one thing. They used my dad's middle inital instead of mine on my report. I'm not sure if its gonna be a big deal when it comes to the mortgage, but its a real pisser.

So the moral of this story is if you have kids, don't name them after the father or mother. It just cause BS down the road. :rolleyes:

Grouchy's Lesson For The Day - mo_focus - 06-01-2006

i hear you, I knew a spanish guy that had 7 brothers with same middle and last names, so you can imagine the mix up when he went to buy a house.


Grouchy's Lesson For The Day - NOS2Go4Me - 06-01-2006

Oscar The Grouch,May 31 2006, 07:57 PM Wrote:4. House loan from the sixties or seventies (can't remember) - I WASN'T EVEN BORN YET!!!

You haven't answered the most pressing question: Was the selling agent's name or the credit agency's rep's name Cheech Marin? If so, that explains the 60s-70s entry. :lol:

Glad to hear you got it sorted out bud. :D

Grouchy's Lesson For The Day - darkpuppet - 06-01-2006

I hate credit report companies... I had to spend days badgering equifax to fix a phone number issue a couple years back that was marring my record.

Those companies are absolutely brutal. I don't know how people, with the technology we have these days still manage to consistently screw things up.

Grouchy's Lesson For The Day - Oscar The Grouch - 06-02-2006

Yeah i wasn't impressed either after my last conversation yesterday with them to fix the middle inital.

They couldn't do the change over the phone!

So I had to fill out another letter to fix the problem.

*sigh* I could really use a beer right about now. :rolleyes: