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Sighting: Blue Svt - Printable Version

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Sighting: Blue Svt - torradan - 05-16-2006

Heading into the city on the 403 Friday around 5:30ish

Anyone belong to this?

blue 3 door, window tint, and that looked like about it. Couldn't look for any more detail, was too busy trying to stay alive.

had personalized plates, but i'll be damned if I can remember what it was... had Focus in it though.

Sighting: Blue Svt - scoobasteve - 05-16-2006

if it was focus2c... there is some lady who works at a realty office in mississauga. who has that exact car.

Sighting: Blue Svt - torradan - 05-16-2006

yep thats the plate!