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Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - Printable Version

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Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - NefCanuck - 05-05-2006

Just thought I'd give a gentle prod to all of us that live in Canada to remind them that the 2006 Census forms are coming soon (or should have already arrived)

New this year is the option to complete it online with the code that comes with the paper census. Using the online access it took me no more than 10 minutes to complete (I got the short form this time)

Remember folks, it is the law to complete and return the census forms :)


Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - NOS2Go4Me - 05-05-2006

As long as I can stick it to them and tell them I'm pure Canadian.

I'll try the online form instead of the other one.

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - 2001 ZTS - 05-05-2006

NefCanuck,May 4 2006, 09:43 AM Wrote:Just thought I'd give a gentle prod to all of us that live in Canada to remind them that the 2006 Census forms are coming soon (or should have already arrived)

New this year is the option to complete it online with the code that comes with the paper census.  Using the online access it took me no more than 10 minutes to complete (I got the short form this time)

Remember folks, it is the law to complete and return the census forms :)


OK legal beagle maybe you know? Whats up with the consent to disclose personal information in the year 2098 question? Not that I care as I got the short form too this time. By 2098 they'd probably be able to get the same info off my headstone.

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - meford4u - 05-05-2006

I did the long form online last night. 35 minutes later.

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - Oscar The Grouch - 05-05-2006

NefCanuck,May 4 2006, 10:43 AM Wrote:Remember folks, it is the law to complete and return the census forms :)


What if I write "F*** THE LIBERALS!!!" all over it?

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - NefCanuck - 05-05-2006

2001 ZTS,May 4 2006, 10:12 AM Wrote:OK legal beagle maybe you know? Whats up with the consent to disclose personal information in the year 2098 question? Not that I care as I got the short form too this time. By 2098 they'd probably be able to get the same info off my headstone.

IIRC it has to do with the collection and dissemination of personal information under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) the Federal legislation governing the collection of personal data by the federal governments and private businesses.


Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - Jays2000ZX3 - 05-06-2006

Who facking cares about the god damn Census?

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - Aka - 05-06-2006

My Dad already did the short one (I think). You only get one per household correct?

I guess I don't have to worry about this then.

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - habmann - 05-06-2006

NefCanuck,May 4 2006, 10:43 AM Wrote:Remember folks, it is the law to complete and return the census forms :)


Get right on that. :rolleyes:

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - FocusGuy7476 - 05-06-2006

Jays2000ZX3,May 5 2006, 02:42 PM Wrote:Who facking cares about the god damn Census?

i do, and every other entreprenuer out there.

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - bluetoy - 05-06-2006

I got the long form 3 times in a row. Last time I added a note telling them they could kiss my ass if they sent me the long form again. Guess which form I got...They're not getting anything out of me.

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - bluetoy - 05-06-2006

Just an FYI. For those that don't know the long form is 40 pages cover to cover.

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - NefCanuck - 05-06-2006

Aka,May 5 2006, 05:26 PM Wrote:My Dad already did the short one (I think). You only get one per household correct?

I guess I don't have to worry about this then.

Yep, onee per household... so I guess your dad was bored enough to do it instead of fobbing it off on you? :lol:


Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - NefCanuck - 05-06-2006

bluetoy,May 5 2006, 08:29 PM Wrote:I got the long form 3 times in a row. Last time I added a note telling them they could kiss my ass if they sent me the long form again.  Guess which form I got...They're not getting anything out of me.

Okay what are the odds that over a twelve year span you'd get the long form each time? :blink: Do you get audited by Revenue Canada every year too? :(


Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - focuschef71 - 05-07-2006

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=medium]Everyone should know: this census will be conducted by an AMERICAN corporation! this means that Uncle Sam WILL have ALL the information you wish to supply! You can thank free- trade for this. Oh & 9-11 of course. I heard of a web site Related to this I think It's called I think everyone should check it out to see just what we are getting into with this census!

Reminder 2006 Census Forms Coming - Euro Ford Fan - 05-07-2006

Just finished the short one online 2mins start to finish.