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Engine Skirt Replacement
Well I did an oil change tonight and noticed that one of the bolts for my oil pan was loose, so I tightened it up and noticed just above it that the metal above it was moving up, low and behold the freakin top cast portion was cracked looks like its not cracked anywhere else and for some reason (I guess I may have had some silicone crud in there) I over tightened it at one point and it cracked.

It looks like its been there a while, but me being anal about it am thinking that I should just replace it this winter with a new one.

Has anybody here done this, does the skirt just drop right off?? ie: remove oil pan, remove oil pump and then unbolt the lower skirt and remove? Will anything but oil be falling on my head at this point?

You talking about taht girdle part that you tapped into for oil return? That "should" come off without anythign else falling out.. "should"
yeah that know that means removing that damn drive shaft again..... :rolleyes:

Well maybe it will just drop right out, probably easier thant he axle removal.
removal's easy.. it doesn't have to come out in one piece ;)

it's putting the new one on that might prove difficult.
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