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Sell Items Forum
Due to the increasing number of users that just come here and try and pawn their stuff can we limit any items in the Sell Items forum to be for users that say have been in the forums for at least two months or have posted at least 20 posts?

Just a suggestion, but i'm not the one running things :P
Allready been looking into this
thabrat,May 24 2004, 09:16 PM Wrote:Allready been looking into this
it's about damned time!!


That is a great idea, that way people don't just go search around the net for Focus websites, sign up and sell off their crap and then never come back...
S2 Steeda,May 24 2004, 10:43 PM Wrote:That is a great idea, that way people don't just go search around the net for Focus websites, sign up and sell off their crap and then never come back...
Kinda like that goof trying to sell his 5 bolt rims here!
I been looking into features and there really isnt one I want. I would like ot make it as soo as you have made your 50 posts you can access the area. How ever its not in here. I could make a member group like i have with the underground area so ppl have to ask me for permission. This way I have full control and I know who you are. I dunno. Toss up some ideas and lets see if I can work on something..
thabrat,May 24 2004, 11:23 PM Wrote:... I could make a member group like i have with the underground area so ppl have to ask me for permission. This way I have full control and I know who you are...
Damn...That sounds like a perfect idea man..

Do It J Man!! :)
I think that might make the section a little too exclusive.

We could do something similar to what clubfocus does.. have moderators edit out and lock for sale posts made by people with under 50 (or whatever limit is chosen) posts. Would be less complicated, and our moderator team is online often enough that it shouldnt be a problem to police.
I looked over the way focaljet---boooyou say-----------does their classified editing through a moderator,and I must say I don't like it simply because it looks exclusive. The moderator only posts when they have time--not at all this weekend--and would cause the brat to pull his hair out--and be in big trouble if someone ever got royally screwed on a purchase. All you guys can do is ignore the post and move on. Life is just that simple--buyer beware.
Shoot, I've been here 2 months and nobody has bought a thing from me yet--cheap bastards!!!!!!!!
TEAM PITA Don't settle for a wannabe, only accept the real deal.

One day I will rule the world. For now, I have to settle for this place.
lol thats is a valid point. Its totaly a buyer beware. The only reason I have not implemented this yet is because

1. I have not yet found a system I like without doing what FocalJet does or any other sites.

2. I would like this section to be open to everyone. Most of us are smart and can tell when something sounds fishy or not.

I would like more ideas thow.
i think that if you see something fishy.....confront it and if you think it should be gone....then get rid of it.......if its good to go then keep have the force....use it
im on here all the time and if it helps you any i would be glad to help you keep stuff that dosent belong in here, out........

This car is insured by the maffia you hit me they hit you.
meford4u,May 25 2004, 12:38 AM Wrote:...All you guys can do is ignore the post and move on.  Life is just that simple--buyer beware...
Buyer Beware?? WTF?? Where did that come from??

Are we still talking about the same issue? I don't recall this issue ever being about the content of the classifieds or how people were writing them to be sold!? (must have been another thread :rolleyes: )

I thought the issue on the table was finding a way to limit or moderate the increasing number of first-time posts being made by freshly-joined members who have no intention of sticking around!!

Wasn't the issue that only some new members were joining for the sole purpose of selling their gear and then not borthering to stick around to grow with the community??

Maybe I'm wrong..but that is what the original purpose of this thread was for right?

? :blink:
Like Microbunny mentioned, I'm not too concerned about the regulars ripping each other off, but we do need to crack down on people who have no intention of being members of the board to just hawk their crap here.

Jay, do you have access to the PHP templates themselves, as well as the database schema? If you do, it shouldn't be difficult to wrap a PHP script around the "Post New Topic" button in the seller's forum so that it only shows if the user has >50 posts.

that way the forum stays public, potential buyers can read regardless of how many posts they have on the board, and folks who are in it for just a quick sale can't post until they actually post stuff on the board.

Of course, I have no problems deleting posts that don't belong on the board if need be, but a warning should be posted to warn potential posters that their posts may be deleted if the mods consider their actions ninja selling.
Contribute to's future!

Donations of $20 and over get a custom title!

Alright. Im going to keep a tight watch on this area and delete manually..
Note: I added a litle msg in the forum disclaimer to.
I really don't get all the hubbub--old word hahahaha- that you guys are up in arms about. Life is really too short to be worrying about someone coming on here and posting to sell their crap. DON"T BUY IT!!!!
What is the big deal? Maybe they will come back for real someday, remembering they posted and possibly sold something here. Or maybe they will tell a friend about the site who will join and become a member.
So what if they don't stick around. The internet is free guys. It was put in place to be a free medium so information can flow freely. You moderating this freedom is just another way of enacting big brother status.
Maybe someone can expalin why the bunny is having such a shiet fit over this.

I just wanna be the BIG BROTHER BASTARD!!!!

TEAM PITA Don't settle for a wannabe, only accept the real deal.

One day I will rule the world. For now, I have to settle for this place.
We have already run into a couple of issues....

1. Companies are starting to target our site....that is definately not good especially when we do have some sponsors.

2. We need more confrontation on here like I need another hamburger.

We need to address what extent I do not know. But Jay I am sure many of the mods are here to support you and this site.

Official s**t Disturber of!!!

PROUD FOUNDER of the Groß Oberlippenbart Klub
meford4u,May 25 2004, 03:15 PM Wrote:I really don't get all the hubbub--old word hahahaha- that you guys are up in arms about. Life is really too short to be worrying about someone coming on here and posting to sell their crap. DON"T BUY IT!!!!
What is the big deal? Maybe they will come back for real someday, remembering they posted and possibly sold something here. Or maybe they will tell a friend about the site who will join and become a member.
So what if they don't stick around. The internet is free guys. It was put in place to be a free medium so information can flow freely. You moderating this freedom is just another way of enacting big brother status.
Maybe someone can expalin why the bunny is having such a shiet fit over this.

I just wanna be the BIG BROTHER BASTARD!!!!
The problem is that allowing people to post who aren't serious members takes up bandwidth and database space, and contrary to popular belief, the internet is not free.

Database space, bandwidth utilization all cost money to the site. And considering how popular spammin is starting to get, it's better to put a stop to it now than later when the site is going under because it can't support the bills that non-member sellers are racking up. This site is for enthusiasts, not for free advertising to every tom dick and harry.

Some of the people who've posted recently selling civic rims and keyfob leather pouches show no indication they are willing to come back at a later date to join seriously. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so intent on posting their hotmail addresses so they don't have to come back to check their PMs (consider that they would be notified by e-mail of any new PMs as well).

and then it comes down to protecting members of this site from a growing number of scam artists who would eventually see this site as a prime posting site for spam.

Call it big brother all you want, but it's the steps that need to be taken to ensure we have a site that members can enjoy into the foreseeable future.
Contribute to's future!

Donations of $20 and over get a custom title!

Point taken----------Thank You

I can (sorta) understand the bandwidth problem--space is space.

But protecting the members?

Don't think the members need protecting against making poor judgements on purchases. Maybe when it comes to rims-----------A hahahahaha--------- I got ya there Steve.

Buyer beware-----the rim doctor is out there to save us all :D

I take your point with a grain of salt and let the site be what it is---


TEAM PITA Don't settle for a wannabe, only accept the real deal.

One day I will rule the world. For now, I have to settle for this place.
meford4u,May 25 2004, 12:22 PM Wrote:....I take your point with a grain of salt and let the site be what it is---

Ahhhh SHUT UP jerkass!!!!


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