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Biggest Canadian Focus Meet Ever
Sorry guys, I wont be able to make it to this meet :(
My other ride is your Mom
KevinFever,Oct 27 2004, 08:06 PM Wrote:well id say itd have to happen in ontario...most of the counrty is in ontario...hence most of the people probably would be in ontario
hate to say it, but it wont be in Ontario.
atleast not this one.

and most of the country is not in ontario!
I thought most of the country IS in ontario lol

why don't you consider a 'Canadian Tour' type of event with say 3 or 4 different dates? Some ppl have expressed a desire to make a trip, so they can catch a couple meets. Then those who won't drive more than a few hours will be included too. Just a thought. Is there a small group who would do the whole tour?
2004 SVT 3Dr

I think a more appropriate statement is that Ontario has the largest population in the country compared to any other individual province.

Quebec is a close second.

not sure about going out west for a focus meet....that's a huge monetary and time commitment for most easterners.

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I was going to say this earlier, but bit my tongue because it wasn't the most appropriate thing for a mod to say.

But I'm not a Mod anymore... *shrug*

I've noticed that some of the reasoning for doing this in BC was because other boards suggested as such... so I sort of wonder to myself... is this the canadian focus board we should be coming to?

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well here is the thing, like the ontario and quebec guys, the BC guys would not be willing to drive across the entire country for a meet. plus the event sponsors are from Vancouver so that makes even less likely to be to far east. right now it's propposed to be in the Calgary/south sask area....not BC.
ZX3TUNING,Oct 28 2004, 02:56 PM Wrote:well here is the thing, like the ontario and quebec guys, the BC guys would not be willing to drive across the entire country for a meet. plus the event sponsors are from Vancouver so that makes even less likely to be to far east. right now it's propposed to be in the Calgary/south sask area....not BC.
that's fine... I understand where the sponsors/organizers are coming from...

to say that us east coasters feel a bit left out would be accurate tho..
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Fact 1: all canadian meet anywhere in canada will not draw both coasts and interiors.

Fact 2: the sponsors distribute products canada wide, so the location is not as much an issue - an event closer to them is probably preffered

Fact 3: the major market is in ontario

Fact 4: fact 1, 2, 3 are undisputable

This is beggin for a tour.... :ph34r:
2004 SVT 3Dr

A full blown All-Canada meet is probably too far off to ever achieve, considering the distances. It would make more sense to have a couple different big meets, say one in the west and one in the east. It would be cool to get everyone together but that really doesnt seem possible.

And for this particular one being organized and sponsored by western Canadian groups and companies, it makes sense to be located somewhere west-central.
Im pretty much for any where. As long as I can get my car on the dyno and get the turbo tuned Im happy.
i don't think this was ever planned to be a all-canada meet.
just the biggest Canadian meet ever... or hopefully.
well since we are discussing location be honest regina or winnipeg would be the place lol its in the middle equal distance to drive for the majority on the east and the ppl in the west. However Regina sux ass and we want to like the idea of a tour allthough quite costly. lol I live in the centre of canada so I don't care where it is to be honest..and no matter what we choose someone will be unhappy. The majority of the guys are in ontario and I would like to see them all come out and it seems the only way to do that is to go to them. But hey thats the easterners for ya they think canada revolves around them when really they just steal all the funds that everything west of manitoba produces, the gov't just does that cuz thats' where the majority of ppl live so then he can win the majority of votes and quite the winner u kids pick B) okay I am done my speel :P
I wouldn't mind going. But if its something I need to take a week off of work to do, chances are I won't do it. Holidays are a prescious commodity and as much as I love all you guys (in the most plutonic and manly way of course!!!), I don't love you enough to spend a weeks holidays to see other cars in person that I've pretty much seen on every webpage anyways.

Just my 2 cents...
"No, my sons name is also Bort!"
FociS8nt,Oct 28 2004, 10:54 PM Wrote:well since we are discussing location be honest regina or winnipeg would be the place lol its in the middle equal distance to drive for the majority on the east and the ppl in the west.
A central location would be good for getting an all-Canada meet going, but the reality is that nobody wants to drive across more than one province.

I'm up for an Alberta meet to meet the west guys.. keep us updated as it gets closer to organized. And is this going to be a weekend-long thing? That would be good, only have to take 4 days at the most in a row for travelling and being a car geek.
"I am an Ontarian"
but I've been out to BC and it is GOD's Country!

You guys out there set out and have a good one!

As for me I'll wait for a good Toronto meet any day! :D
"Focus On The Road!"
I Love My Liquid Grey 2007 Focus ZX3 SE

Next: tint, front & rear bumpers...
I'm reposting my comments from the poll posting in here because it's relivent to this discution too....... plus it's realistic.

I will admit BC is beautiful to drive thru I should know, my dad & I brought back a classic Mustang From Kelowna to Toronto.

Personally I think it would be better the shedule something by region, mainly because of the long drives some people would be undertaking to cross the country just to meet up for a day ? I mean com'on, yeah it would be cool to meet people from all over not to mention the Foci, but realisticly it more or less would have to be by region. I'm sure you will all agree with me here in saying anyone would be welcomed to attened from anywhere in the country where ever the events might be taking place so long as they can make it out & afford the cost to under take that.

My suggestion would be to try to have it so that All meetings take place by regions at different times durring the summer Months in a huge park somewhere for a BBQ event that would inclued other things & last for a day or two, like a camp out event. I'd say start in the Western Canada, in Calgary AB or Regina SK in June. Then the central Canada meeting in July In or around Toronto ON since it's equal driving time anywhere in Ontario to get there, & then having the last meet taking place in August in Eastern Canada In either Fredricton NB, Charlettetown PEI, or Halifax NS. Agian having it so that anyone from anywhere in the this country or the from the U.S. would be welcomed to attend to the big meetings.

I have to admit the chapters idea is a good one but really, we are all part of the same board, & we all participate in here so really if we went by chapters it would kinda alienates us by region, when we are all equal in here, talking to each other without the whole distance factor being there. that's my 2 cents.
I was the only member on this board with a Yellow Focus Sedan, and a 2002+ Euro Facelift on a sedan.
Alright so I guess the location was set to Calgary. Just waiting for a date I think. Im hoping its around June 18 - 28th. I plan on leaving here on the 18th to Vancouver around then.
I would go to Calgary. Dump the wife off at her parents house and go do some Friday night drag racing and look at cars. She would not care since she gets to visit while I take in Foci stuff.
The International mustang meet was in Calgary this year. Previous high was 288 cars, this year it was 400 and they had to turn some late comers away. High populations in BC and AB make Calgary great spot and most from SK and MB (myself) would probably make they drive. I know they are way more stangs than foci, but this is just an example. As for the rest out east... tuff s**t. Have your own GTG in the T hole. :P Just kiddin'. But seriously it would be impossible for one perfect place so you might as well have it where it would probably draw the most people.
East, west doesnt matter to me, im doing both this summer, ill just plan it into the rest of the stuff im doing...
I wish my grass was Emo, so it would cut itself...

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