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Re: Jay/users
Were the tutorials up just copy and pasted from another site?

If so, they have to all be deleted ... each and everyone that is posted.

I cant believe this happened.... :rolleyes:

Someone take them down now.... Im not sure which were home written so i dont want to do it .. or else i would have just disabled them all.
Dan, Your friendly neighbourhood asshole. Wink
I do installs and build FG stuff, pm me if you need help with anything. Im cheap.
I think i took down most of them myself ..... But jay take them off the main page since i dont have access...

Lets not see anymore of this. :rolleyes:
Dan, Your friendly neighbourhood asshole. Wink
I do installs and build FG stuff, pm me if you need help with anything. Im cheap.
Why delete??? Someone might learn something???
[Image: 860doigiveadamn2yy.gif]

Prolly Is not a word
It's more about taking someone else's property and posting it without giving credit. I think posting a link to the site they're written on is showing a lot more respect to the owner of the website/intellectual property.

We want to be taken seriously as a car club, so our content should be our own. It's fine to make references to other sites, but give credit to the author. Let's not disrespect the rest of the online Focus community by usurping their web content.

paparoach you big jerkass!!!

thief thief....!!!whahahahhaha :lol:
whyd someone lock it...
Dan, Your friendly neighbourhood asshole. Wink
I do installs and build FG stuff, pm me if you need help with anything. Im cheap.
Doesnt have to be disscussed any further... They been removed and the rticles section will be updadetd when time is given..
Why not just give credit to the authors???? :blink:
[Image: 860doigiveadamn2yy.gif]

Prolly Is not a word
Yeah i agree with guilty. The last thing anyone wants is to start another feud with a site like that jet stuff. I much prefer to click a link to another site with information than to read it in a forum anyway.

I mean the hacks stuff might not be copywritten or anything but it's a courtesy. I run a tiny site for the Accent and i would be pretty pissed if some dude just up and copy/pasted my hard work into some site. If it's that good of information then i'm sure if you asked the admin of the site they'd let you use it as long as credit is given. I'm not trying to flame or anything but I think this was a poor choice on behalf of the offenders.
bluetoy,May 18 2004, 02:27 AM Wrote:Why not just give credit to the authors???? :blink:
Because with all the mods each individual on this site has done .. we cant unite and make our own? We have to copy and paste from another focus site ...

Its 1. Wrong.

2. Makes us look stupid

3. Its just plainly pathetic...

People had left me emails complaining about this ... Not untill today had i realized what happened.
Dan, Your friendly neighbourhood asshole. Wink
I do installs and build FG stuff, pm me if you need help with anything. Im cheap.
thabrat,May 18 2004, 02:26 AM Wrote:Doesnt have to be disscussed any further... They been removed and the rticles section will be updadetd when time is given..
Yes dad.

It's free speech man.
I want this to stay open .. Because i want paparoach and jay to see what others think ..

Since they both think im crazy for taking them down.
Dan, Your friendly neighbourhood asshole. Wink
I do installs and build FG stuff, pm me if you need help with anything. Im cheap.
Wooo woo I never said you were crazy....

I said we need articles and information for our users....instead he watch fights occur on the site...what fun that is. You think articles make us look sad...I think opening threads to let people fight and then saying let it gooo makes us look sad.

Just my 2 cents though I guess we have to be worried what the other sites think of us......first time for everyting.
Official s**t Disturber of!!!

PROUD FOUNDER of the Groß Oberlippenbart Klub
I dont think any fighting is necessary, but Dan has a point. If we're expecting people to take us seriously as a car club, we need our own unique content.

With all the people on here and all their talents, we should be able to construct our own database of how-to articles. That will give the site its own personality.. that's what we need.

I think we should stop the arguing right now and start working together to make our own site a good site.
Arguing listen fuko.....just kiddin sounds good to me :P
Official s**t Disturber of!!!

PROUD FOUNDER of the Groß Oberlippenbart Klub
I thought at the bottom of each post was a link. On the one I know it was there. Did I miss the others..

But other than that if there was more concern about this topic I would of appreciated an email or PM. I would of taken it more serious. There was a post made how ever I think only 5 members stated there opionion there fore I didnt think it was much a problem.
I can see everybodies points.

I agree though, we should get our own content.

Start writing up some How to's boys!!
[Image: ncclogo.jpg]
why dont we combine the Focus writeups from the OFOC site with the ones on the Focus Canada site and put them together on both sites? That way, we will give credit to each others site. We can also throw in some other writeups too, as long as the documents are re-typed up from our own perspective. That would help out a lot, anyone agree?
My other ride is your Mom

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