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Steeda Shifters In Stock
#21're an idiot...and illiterate too...

Quote:Oh Im sorry let me see B&M = s**t

umm...let's see...i've had a BM for 3.5 years....the first one i had did break, when i got it warrantied [1 year ago] the next gen was out, and has held up quite well since do you know...

Quote:You need to take into account what price s**t is being sold these days, not what you paid way back when.

I paid $130 US ...LONG before i had the job i do now.......your point?

Quote:and you've been in a car accident with them, you want 750 for them you much be joking only a dam dumb ass would pay that much, when you can get them new for 800!

the entire suspension of the car was can beleive it...or not....but it wasn't....did you see the shocks? did you test the shocks out?? did you actually drive the car after the accident? NO ...but I did...

as for your illiteracy......

here is a quote from our PM's


highest bidder on shocks is $640...beat it,and they are yours...


your reply...

Quote:crap oh well

You can take me off your list for the shocks as I can get them new for 600.

so let me get this read 640 as 700 and now all of a sudden you can get them for 800 instead of your BS price of 600 f ucking try

and i would STILL like to know where you can get them for $800 including tax...

i challenge me ONE....just ONE!!! Canadian retailer that has them for 800 tax inxlueded REGUALR RETAIL PRICE....don't give me this i can buy from us cheaper BS ..or any of this "i know a guy that gives me deals" BS either.....

i'm talking LEGITAMENT shops.
I would have to chime in here and agree with Dom on this one. Man, the prices you quoted were just simply retarded. Like, it would have been one thing if those parts were all relatively new. But for the MOST part, all that s**t was on your car for a LOT of clicks. It isn't a battle of how much s**t would wear down, but for the sheer fact that it is USED, and used for a LONG TIME. Now I told myself that I wouldn't bash you on your prices cause hell, if I didn't like, I didn't have to buy it right? But, if you are gonna justify yourself like the way you did, then well, I gotta jump in here and kick your ass a little too.

Hands down, your s**t was installed on your car and used, that alone should knock like 15-20% off the price you paid for it. Then, you used some of this s**t for like 50,000 km or more. dam thats like another 10-15% off or more. You quoted me the dam FACTORY price for the wiper arm man. Like, do you think I am fukking retarded? The funny thing was that with a-plan I could buy it NEW for less than what you wanted. Same went for the HVAC bezel. Your UDP, 90 dollars? eeek. a USED UDP with NO belt for 90? come on. I'm not an idiot. I'm sure you sold most of your s**t to unsuspecting buyers who didn't realize that you were fukking them up the ass while taking their money, but not me.

Fact is YOU should stop being a little jew and trying to re-coup every penny. Sheesh.
Run your car, not your mouth
Ass,Dec 17 2003, 07:50 PM Wrote:I would have to chime in here and agree with Dom on this one. Man, the prices you quoted were just simply retarded. Like, it would have been one thing if those parts were all relatively new. But for the MOST part, all that s**t was on your car for a LOT of clicks. It isn't a battle of how much s**t would wear down, but for the sheer fact that it is USED, and used for a LONG TIME. Now I told myself that I wouldn't bash you on your prices cause hell, if I didn't like, I didn't have to buy it right? But, if you are gonna justify yourself like the way you did, then well, I gotta jump in here and kick your ass a little too.

Hands down, your s**t was installed on your car and used, that alone should knock like 15-20% off the price you paid for it. Then, you used some of this s**t for like 50,000 km or more. dam thats like another 10-15% off or more. You quoted me the dam FACTORY price for the wiper arm man. Like, do you think I am fukking retarded? The funny thing was that with a-plan I could buy it NEW for less than what you wanted. Same went for the HVAC bezel. Your UDP, 90 dollars? eeek. a USED UDP with NO belt for 90? come on. I'm not an idiot. I'm sure you sold most of your s**t to unsuspecting buyers who didn't realize that you were fukking them up the ass while taking their money, but not me.

Fact is YOU should stop being a little jew and trying to re-coup every penny. Sheesh.
FYI ..

since when is a pulley mechanical, and wear down..when is the last time you replaced a pulley because it was "worn out" these things last forever....they are $100 USD plus shipping/duty/brokerage

as for the wiper switch...the price you quoted me you get is JOBBER PRICE..yes thats right...a DISCOUNTED PRICE...say it with me D I S C O U N T E D ....meaning 20% off's a wiper much do you REALLY think they degrade in are too cheap...

you don't see me coming on here talking about how cheap all you a$$holes are lowballing the fvck outta me...looking at this thread now....i wish i had!!!!!

you have no idea how long ANYTHING was on my car for...and most of that stuff that you are complaining about ...mileage doesn't why are you talking sh!t....

you guys SERIOUSLY you just keep on being a keyboard warrior, and i will sit back and laugh at you...

and speaking of jew's .....isn't that what you are trying to do with me?? Jew me out of my parts for basically FREE
...... Someone likes wasting my bandwith......
when you can get them new for 800!

Hey cock sucker I can get them for 600, but like the quote says anyone else can get them for 800! You just shot your self in the foot dumbass cause as the rules have always stated the sell fourm was never intented for auctions.

Your pretty imature and Im glad your not getting a focus again cause you were never a true focuscanada member just a guy with a shop trying to sell over priced mods.

dam after reading Tonys post your a are dam tight mother bastard and if I were a mod I would silence you cause you got nothing to contribute.

Im not gonna write anymore because Im really bussy with school work right now but if I come back and see more s**t or feel pretty pissed off like before your ass will be handed to you!!!!! :angry:

I drive a 2010 Golf that growls at people when it goes over 3000rpm.
Guys all I gotta say is if you dont like his dam prices THEN DONT BUY OFF HIM!

Its not a big deal! WTF?

Im not taking sides here but this whole thread is bullshit :(
I Vtec
ok let me see here....
Quote:you don't see me coming on here talking about how cheap all you a$$holes are lowballing the fvck outta me.

since when is someone triying to get the best deal for one's self by "lowballing" classify him / her as an asshole....?

Quote:you have no idea how long ANYTHING was on my car for...and most of that stuff that you are complaining about ...mileage doesn't matter..

perhaps milage does not matter but it is USED and used stuff sells for only what the "market " will bear....if this "market" isn't working out for you ....try a different one....THIS GOES FOR SELLERS AND BUYERS ALIKE

Quote:as for the wiper switch...the price you quoted me you get is JOBBER PRICE..yes thats right...a DISCOUNTED PRICE...say it with me D I S C O U N T E D ....meaning 20% off's a wiper much do you REALLY think they degrade in value.

more than 20% in most cases....and for some odd reason you seem to be offended by the fact that people are beating your prices .....furthermore "jobers price " still caries a markup and by extension conferms that your used part should sell for certainly no more than wholesale or there is no point in buying used...regardless of condition

Quote:i'm talking LEGITAMENT shops.

who actually cares if it is legitamate or not?...define legitimate any way....most parts bought from any shop are warranteed by the manufacturer and a "legitimate " shop will be nothing more than a good spokesperson for your cause and even that can be debateable at times....

Quote:i ask for fair prices on my stuff.... and i get it....everytime...

apparentely you dont....and you didn't

as a further note if you insist on trying to sell your "wares " on this or any other site I would suggest that calling people ...assholes,retards,illeterate and "cheap sons of bitchs" might not be the best way to get the job done

CD silver 03zx5,wings west type w, hella projectors,painted SVt upper grill, Grillcraft lower grill,clear corners,clear upper brake light, team dynamic 15 spoke x 17" rims,Kumho 712's 215/40,pacesetter header,magnaflow cat back,FC 65mm tb,RactiveCAI,MSD dis2 ignition,Tayler Vertex wires,SHM udp,Ractive upper strut tower brace,FK hitec suspension with springs/dampers-35/40 drop,Eibach front/rear anti sway bars,Steeda short throw shifter,Momo race air leather knob and e-brake handle,custom fiberglass upper dash with AC el -glow oil pressure/volt gauges,el-glow face gauges
your my hero DAD

I guess he can't do what he did on the jet back in the day and edit everybody esles posts but his own. HMMMMMMMMMMMmmm how times have changed :)
[center]TEAM PITA™ Don't settle for a wannabe, only accept the real deal.[/center]
I stated before I didnt want to go to deep cause I didnt want to piss anyone off then Anthony came on and shot his mouth off like he owned the place. Im sorry but I dont take s**t from anyone and if some asswhole comes on and insults me Im not gonna take it like bitch and go hide. But Pat your right the thread has to turned to bullshit you need to understand if you got msn'd from somebody telling you that Anthony is flipin on ya for no apparent reason then you have to put your 2 cents in.

Dad you are right you have to adjust to the market weather its a new product or an old and Anthony didnt do it and people realized it. After reading Tony's thread I was like WOW the guys charging $90 for a udp when when they were selling them for $90 new at SHM plus belt.

Anyways Fudge it I dont care
I drive a 2010 Golf that growls at people when it goes over 3000rpm.
SYMBIOTIX,Dec 17 2003, 09:29 PM Wrote:Guys all I gotta say is if you dont like his dam prices THEN DONT BUY OFF HIM!

Its not a big deal! WTF?

Im not taking sides here but this whole thread is bullshit  :(
thats exactly right...if you don't like my prices....then dont''s as simple as that...

why the fvck do you have to come on here bashing me FOR NO REASON...because at that point i hadn't said a felt like you had to talk s**t about me.... when all i did was give you a price you weren't content with. Obviously SOMEONE was content with that price, and and on all the other prices i quoted for items, because i sold them...if they feel they are getting a fair deal GREAT....thats because they are....just not according to you and a select few others...

i'm not trying to "rip people off" i state the condition of teh product, and a price...they can inspect the product, and if they feel it's a good price they buy it...if not they walk away, and someone else will take it....they don't go shooting their little mouth off like you!

BTW-i still haven't heard where you can get them for $600 ...let alone $800 IN CANADA ..cuz i'd really like to know your magical place..

Quote:i ask for fair prices on my stuff.... and i get it....everytime...

apparentely you dont....and you didn't

as for this...yes ...i did get what i wanted....just not from him.

THe probloem with this SOME people don't want to pay for what things are WORTH .....can you blame them for wanting a deal?? NO....everyone wants a deal...but i'm gonna repeat.....if you dont like the "deal" then just walk away...there is ABSOLUTLY no need to shoot your mouth off about other memebers, unless they have done something to you personally

Quote:Im glad your not getting a focus again cause you were never a true focuscanada member just a guy with a shop trying to sell over priced mods

i'm probably one of the most dedicated Focus owners on here....ex-owner or not, i'm more dedicated than most of you EVER will be.....I had mine longer than everyone but like 1 or 2 people...where do you get off saying i was "never a true member" THAT'S a good one....

BTW - where do you get off brining where i work into has NOTHING to do with this little dispute....if you don't like the shop...the don't come...i'm not dragging you in ....we do quite well without you thank-you. are we overpriced....suer ...on some things...yes...i can't deny we offer better service ABSOLUTLY all locations? no.....but for the most part....YES.

Quote:you need to understand if you got msn'd from somebody telling you that Anthony is flipin on ya for no apparent reason then you have to put your 2 cents in. i do recall it was YOU shooting YOUR mouth off about ME in the first place...adn someone MSNing ME that you were talking crap about yea...i had to come in with MY 2cents.

D-Dumb,Dec 17 2003, 08:40 PM Wrote:...... Someone likes wasting my bandwith......
oh ...and for the record...that's not me...

i have NOTHING to do with that...
tsk tsk. I can say discounted. Yes, D I S C O U N T E D. Now can you say it? No you cannot cause you want FULL price for your USED s**t. But let me have an English lesson with you motherfukker. D E P R E C I A T I O N. Say it now fukker. IT MEANS THAT s**t GOES DOWN IN VALUE OVER TIME. Now your car mods aren't some precious metal or land that is going to retain value. It is gonna go down. Now, I am not gonna say you didn't or couldn't sell it. Yes there are stupid focus owners out there too that will buy your s**t off you cause they don't know better. How are we being jews for asking for a better price. YOU are being the faggot ass seller who wants full price back for all the s**t he bought. That makes you more jewish than we'll ever be. And no one asked for retardedly low prices. We just wanted something better than what you were offereing (while your prices remained VERY close to retail). Put yourself in our position. Someone is offering a UDP for 90 bucks. And it is used. I can go out to a shop in my town and get a new one with a belt for like 120. Hmmm... Tough call man.... No one said GIVE your s**t away. But you know dam damn well that if this was your call you'd get a new one and save yourself the grief. And yeah you are right s**t usually doesn't "degrade" but get this into your fuking head man, IT IS USED. Why isn't your insurance company giving you "close to retail" on your fukked up car moron? Cause it is USED. In the world today there is something called depreciation. Remember? That is the word I taught you at the beginning of this post. Go look it up if you don't believe me that it is a real word ok? Thanks man.

But you saying you are dedicated to your car more than others... well, fuk Thats a hard one to call. What makes you more dedicated than me? Hmm? If you are sooooo dedicated why are you not getting another one? So how do you want to measure dedication? The fact that you bought your car before mine? No, that is hardly any measure at all. So show me how you are more dedicated than I am to my car. Please. Please show me.
Run your car, not your mouth
Ummm.. why is this thread still open? DAAAAAAN!!

This is pretty pointless.. If you think someone is charging too much for his stuff, you make your point by not buying it. The rest of this s**t can be taken to private messages, or out back by the tool shed or something.

And I dont really get the whole Jewish thing.. so Jews are cheap? We probably dont need the excessive use of denominational degradation on the board, this isn't helping anyone.
Fine fine .. ill close it...

I just thought they might be able to settle there problems and be nice people...

But i guess not.

Focused if i can link that fake account to you somehow .... :rolleyes: ... Specially after you left me that stupid message on msn. There was no need for that.

Chill out d00d. Lately your dam pissed at the world. Take it out on vortex from now on. ;)

On a side note...

Security features have been redone (since some changed when switching over the server that me and jay didnt realize) and its now once again impossible to make fake accounts.

Im sorry d-dub about that.. someone should have never been allowed to do that. Ill take blame for not checking over the security settings properly.

To whoever did that .. all i know is... Ill be scanning the crap outta you for the next week or so... Ive always been a fan of revenge.



No one. AND I MEAN NO ONE. Can touch my love for the focus, this community, the people in it. So theres no point in anyone arguing. Im still out there pimping people on other boards ... backing up the focus on civic sites .. Arguing with shops about the car .. Talking to sponsors for the site ...


Focus or no focus .. Will yet again have another g2g at my house next year for everyone, and random small get togethers when people want to ... Hell yes.

Its all about progress and people learning.

Forgive, forget .. lets move on with the site.

Your friendly, but sometimes assholeish moderator....
Dan, Your friendly neighbourhood asshole. Wink
I do installs and build FG stuff, pm me if you need help with anything. Im cheap.

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