04-22-2006, 01:21 AM
darkpuppet,Apr 21 2006, 08:10 AM Wrote:If the leafs are anything of what I know from hanging with half of the old St. Mike's alumni, it's an old-boys club pure and simple.
p.s. I agree, hockey goes on waaaay too long. It's a WINTER sport, not a fall, winter, spring, and half of summer sport.
That's not unusual Darkpuppet, in my travels working for Legal Aid Ontario over the past eleven years I've met more people and made more "connections" in the legal field than I can (or care to) remember, most of it of the "old boys club" variety (Though more diverse than the term implies).
Especially when I did computer tech support for Legal Aid for a year back in 01/02. I still get calls for computer assistance (and standing offers for all sorts of "help" as the need arises) :rolleyes:
As to the length of the hockey season, blame it on the greedy owners and their voracious appetite for home playoff gate revenue. I remember when the format was 3-3-5-7 for crying out loud <_<