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The Irony....why Does This Anger Me?
We don't need to shut down anything, we need to make the stuff that sold in these restaurants and stores better for you so that if you eat it all the time it won't ruin your health.

Put it this way, the more fatty Mc fat ass stuffs his face and goes to the hospital for a quadruple bypass the more of your tax dollars are spent pumping out 15 years of bigmacs. Unhealthy people cost our health care system billions every year, not just from bad eating habits but it's a strong contributor. Everyone pays one way or another from it.
***want to buy***
MBRP................ check
SCT Xcal2 ........ check
VF mounts
Adj. Dampers ... check
Meford's Mom.... sale pending

Messages In This Thread
The Irony....why Does This Anger Me? - nass - 05-12-2006, 06:45 AM
The Irony....why Does This Anger Me? - naz - 05-14-2006, 05:51 AM

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