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Best Aftermarket Front Bumper Application...ever!
Well, still trying to get a pic of it, but there always seems to be people hanging around in the front yard and I don't want to be too obvious about taking a picture of it. A few weeks ago a kid a few houses down from me decided that he wanted to have a convertible dodge omni. So out came the sawzall at like 8am on a saturday, I had to look to see what the racket was, looked like he was cutting a hole for a sunroof, I went back to bed. Got up a few hours later, go out and start washing the foci, look over at the front yard of the house in question and notice a s*** load of "stuff" lying all over the yard. Then I hear this ungodly loud exhaust noise coming from down the street and here comes the dodge omni with 1 kid driving and 2 standing up on the back seat holding onto the little strip that they left on it where the door pillars are. I had to sit down on the driveway and catch my breath after laughing at the sight. So monday I get home from work, it had been raining all day and in the back of my mind I wondered what the omni was doing now that it was raining. To my delight, the omni was sitting in front of the house, with a tarp over it, tied down with rope around the front and rear bumpers. I almost had a seizure, laughed so hard that I saw stars. It was great. About a week later I see him pulled over by 2 local officers of the law, both were loking quite intently at the car, I kept driving home. I found out from the kids uncle, who he lives with, that there is nothing whatsoever illegal about having the roof cut out, it doesn't affect the frame of the car at all. Anyways, I'll take the boy for a walk and try and snap a shot or two if I can.
No name, Cheap and Slutty.

MMM Daddy Like

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Best Aftermarket Front Bumper Application...ever! - focusracer - 06-09-2006, 04:13 PM

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