06-22-2006, 09:45 AM
microbunny,Jun 21 2006, 05:50 PM Wrote:Puppet..
fair enough, but the accident was all body panels! The underside, suspension, and even alignment were not f***oed
I know what you are saying but they told me today that there was alot of metal shavings and bits that started falling out when they took the tranny out..
I just got back from a 1700km trip and the car was so smooth, I was actually suprised at the thing!
Lets say that I am more angry with the dealer and the s***ty customer service. Like always I leave the dealer angry and wanting to strangle 1 or more 'service advisors'
I hear ya man.. when you consider the money that gets sunk into these cars, I know exactly where the frustration comes in.
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