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Sick Of Hearing Member That Diss Focus
D-Dub,May 26 2004, 03: Wrote:
Quote:I think your are misreading it man, most people say its a bad kit for the zetec not the svt. The gain on a zetec is real poor when on the SVT its really good, for the way you aquired one you got a pretty damn good deal.

I think you are categorizing rice as aperance mods, rice to me isnt apearance mods its when someone makes there car look cheap or so way over the top it makes no sence or they do stuff thats pointless and doesnt really do anything( ie fake attenas or even the spining rims).I personally like a nice cleanly done car like Pats or Dans the exteriors of the cars were amazing, but I still belive in making the car faster over the look thing because whats the point in making a car look nice and quick with the agressive stance and racing wheels if your car dont put out.
I've left the board and come back strictly for deals these days, this headline catched my eye thou...

well, as for the term "rice", I'd say it's the owner's opinion in how to personalized his vehicle and I don't see if there'll be any need in other's to give in their comments. As for me (still a stocker), I'd rather look into aero kits that will provide more aerodynamic forces ( not just downforce) to the vehicle, unfortunately, the kits avaliable on the market doesn't really advertise how air is being pushed around the vehicle, it only advertise how "aggressive" it looks.
The Ford Focus is quite a love hate relationship for me, u should see my face recently when my front passenger side spring snapped (you guys with stock suspension should check it too, the damn sleeves will hold but the coil itself will shift from it's original position, I'm currently waiting for the SVT suspension kit since the H&R kit is offered here at an unreasonable price (1200 bucks for the cupkit? common guys, it's like 600 US in the states, adding shipping and duty will not take you up to that much!) I'm still hoping the upper shock tower will not be scratched due to the spring's wierd angle. plus, faulty DPFE, fuel pump, blah blah blah...I still liked the car but I'm just feeling the car's gonna be a "Fix Or Repair Daily" vehicle.

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Sick Of Hearing Member That Diss Focus - foc us - 05-26-2004, 01:59 PM

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