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9/11 Documentary On Cbs
I agree that this should never had happened..... but the world should have stoped the Americans after Vietnam. i say this because they have been picking fights with every country they new they could since they lost Vietnam. They are like the school yard bully..., they keep picking on people till that person stands up to them, When that happens they TARGET somene else. And the cycle continues.

We all let 9/11 happen a long time ago, we all suffered cause we let just a few suffer for so long.....Now my mother has to suffer for the next 6-9 months while my brother is in a place that NONE of our soldiers should be.

Canada should have sat back just a little longer and we would have seen the true plan of the Americans......they wanted IRAQ from the get go and this was their excuse,.....and stupid US got dooped into it. Now our own Poitical leaders are calling us TERRORIST......Jack Layton said this the day before 5 men came home dead for their f***ing games in parliment.

I don't know what anyone elses thoughts are ofmy opinion but i don't care cuse I am willing to go there and do what ihave too cause that is what i joined for, But the people that are not willing to join up and take an actuallly productive part of this situation should just shut up and let the real men and woman of this country take care of their rights and freedoms. Whick means they get to stay here band just "TALK" about the problems they have.............
Car Run Down for past 5 years:

Make / Model / Year / Status

Ford / Focus Sedan / 01 / STOLEN/WROTE OFF
Pontiac / Grand AM SE / 98 / STOLEN/Location still unknown
Dodge / SX 2.0 Sport / 04 / DRIVEWAY (lowjacked equip)

(can the car gods make it three cars in a row to be stolen?)

Messages In This Thread
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - ANTHONYD - 09-11-2006, 12:58 PM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - DILATED - 09-11-2006, 01:06 PM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - FocusGuy7476 - 09-11-2006, 01:15 PM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - microbunny - 09-11-2006, 02:35 PM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - D-Dub - 09-11-2006, 03:30 PM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - FociPhil - 09-11-2006, 04:32 PM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - NOS2Go4Me - 09-12-2006, 12:47 AM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - ANTHONYD - 09-12-2006, 02:34 AM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - NOS2Go4Me - 09-12-2006, 04:13 AM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - PIGEON1 - 09-12-2006, 05:15 AM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - NOS2Go4Me - 09-12-2006, 07:24 AM
9/11 Documentary On Cbs - PIGEON1 - 09-13-2006, 03:35 AM

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