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A Possible End To Hddvd Vs Blueray Dvd Battle
I watched DVDs solely from my PS2 for the longest time.. before I got a HT in a box.. and even then, the system won't play all DVDs flawlessly, so occasionally, I'm forced to put them in the PS2 for playback (doesn't pay to be a cheapass I guess)...

Anyhoo.. beta vs VHS.. well, beta didn't REALLY die.. it evolved and found it's way into video production (BetaCam > VTR).

As for the latest format wars.. I'm betting on blueray. HDDVD is an evolution of existing DVD technology, to which there are limits. Blueray is probably the more future proof of the two... and if you can get it in a relatively cheap player, all the better for the consumer.

Right now, there's no simple choice between the two, as movies are limited, compatability is negligible, and costs are high. The PS3 will be lowest entry cost to the next gen, but that itself may start a price war between the formats, and if we go back to the beta-vhs wars, the lower cost wins in the long run.

However, things are a bit different these days. Lowest cost isn't the prime motivator it once used to be in customer's buying decisions. Sure, it's important, but people, especially the ones with the disposable income to buy into the 1st round of next gen hardware are a lot more informed and willing to pay to play.
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A Possible End To Hddvd Vs Blueray Dvd Battle - darkpuppet - 10-13-2006, 12:45 AM

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