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The Most Frustrating Drive To Work...
Flofocus,Dec 1 2006, 10:18 AM Wrote:I got up this morning, saw the snow, and said, "I'm working fomr home today baby".

I love it.  :D

So why didnt you just stay at home?

because I think one of my coworkers might show up today, and I didn't want the guy to feel lonely.

That and I help maintain the visibility of my team to the customer. Because customers get all antsy when they get a bill for work done by 'phantom' contractors.

and it's only raining.... I don't want to be the guy that wusses out.

tho I'll be putting the winters on this weekend .. talk about good timing, eh?
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The Most Frustrating Drive To Work... - darkpuppet - 12-02-2006, 12:21 AM

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