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17 Yr Old Builds Nuclear Fusion Device..
D-Dub,Mar 28 2007, 03: Wrote:but it does say its a "nuclear" fusion reactor

A nuclear reaction does not have to give off fission products. We are just used to the concept of fission. Basically, nuclear is just refering to any reaction that pertains to the nucleus of an atom.

If you wanted uranium, just go find old street signs and old watches and get the paint off. The reason the paint lite up was because the uranium gave off light when exposed to certain frequencies of light (halogen) Unfortunetly, many watch makers died of throat cancer many years ago. They would lick the end of the wick, dip it in paint, and paint the face of the watch.

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17 Yr Old Builds Nuclear Fusion Device.. - vy_MR2 - 03-28-2007, 10:44 PM

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