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Gm Puts Zeta Rear-wheel-drive Revolution On Hold
Watching Lutz sputter on about how its "unfair" that the U.S. Govt. is tightening the CAFE numbers is like watching a used car salesman bitch when they're told that they have to tell the truth about the product they sell.

Wake up Mr. Lutz, it's not 1960 anymore and you can't simply grunt and say "more power" to solve your problems... We only have one planet and for you not to realize that, is shortsighted and best and downright stupid & dangerous at worst.

Maybe instead of building muscle cars you could turn your attention to finding a way to build small cars cheaply in N.A. instead of kvetching that you can't. Or maybe you could do something radical and take a scythe to those compensation packages for the people in the ivory tower at GM who no longer have any idea what the average consumer wants or needs...

Rear wheel drive cars with 300+ HP with gas over $3/gal in the U.S. SURE build 'em by the truckload... meanwhile the Asian automakers will eat your breakfast, lunch & dessert :rolleyes:

Okay, I'll stop ranting now....


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Gm Puts Zeta Rear-wheel-drive Revolution On Hold - NefCanuck - 04-12-2007, 12:12 AM

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