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Schwarzenegger To Michigan: Get Off Your Butt
Said this in another thread but damn, these people who continually try to defend Detriot's horrible record when it comes to environmental issues makes me wonder where they think people will live if we rot the planet out with our stupidity :rolleyes:

Frankly ZTW has it pegged, unless legislative guns are put to the automakers heads in Detriot, they won't change a thing, they're still stuck trying to sell a "bigger, faster, stronger" mentality that is completely out of touch with the times.

Here's a perfect example: Until approx 1982, Canadian and American bumper standards were the same, that the bumper had to survive a 5MPH collision without damage to the car's structure. In deference to the automakers pleas, the U.S. Govt. passed new bumper standards that lowered the threshold to 2.5MPH and no further protection was mandated to teh car's structure.

Net result? Soaring insurance claims as minor parking lot dings resulted in 3K+ of damage to not only the tissue paper bumpers but to the car's now unprotected structure besides (Reference Consumer Reports circa 1983)

Go get 'em Ahnuld... only way to get these myopic executives in Detriot to see the light is to hit them with the flashlight apparently :D


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Schwarzenegger To Michigan: Get Off Your Butt - NefCanuck - 04-13-2007, 12:42 AM

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