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Question Regarding Et's @ Cayuga
SVT ZX3,Jul 9 2007, 09:48 AM Wrote:
NefCanuck,Jul 9 2007, 08:06 AM Wrote:So went down to Cayuga Friday night after flashing the ECU with the 91 tune to see what the car could do....... or am I missing something?


ECU needs time to learn, if you had flashed it the night before and done some "spirited" driving the same evening you may have gone 1/10 or 2/10's faster the following night at the track....also the first time at the track can be an eye opener. Much different trying to launch on a bunch of hot rubber then on a ususal street/highway. Just IMHO anyway.

Ah, I see... I only had 100km on the reflashed ECU before I got to Cayuga so there was likely not enough data complied to change much (I only did the spirited stuff after Cayuga because of my poor performance there and thinking that somehow the tune was to blame :P)

I didn't really brake torque to launch. I just went brake -> gas from idle, car launched okay as long as I remembered not to let the wheels touch the water they put out. Accidentially did that during one run and had the TC on.... hello Slip City :lol:


Messages In This Thread
Question Regarding Et's @ Cayuga - SVT ZX3 - 07-10-2007, 12:48 AM
Question Regarding Et's @ Cayuga - NefCanuck - 07-10-2007, 02:27 AM
Question Regarding Et's @ Cayuga - SVT ZX3 - 07-10-2007, 11:58 PM

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