12-13-2008, 08:10 AM
Focus man, Focus.,Dec 12 2008, 05:31 PM Wrote:Very well writen, but it will be unfortunatly be brushed off as heresay. I personally believe the worlkd would be a better place without GM in the picture. They have been producing so much cookie cutter crap for years. If not close up shop all together at least cut some of their brands. Saturn, Olds, GMC or Chevy Truck on or the other. We all need to start somewhere. GM needs to downsize before they disappear.
GM already Killed off Oldsmobile back in 1999, the last oldsmobile was sold in 2002 as it took nearly 3 years to kill it off in it's entirely. If GM had to kill a few brands Kill Buick, buick has only 3 models, and it's in the same pricing bracket as Cadalliac.
Kill off Isuzu, Suzuki, Daewoo, Holden, and Saturn & Vauxhaul or at leaset debadge their products and sell them for what they are, Opel.
I was the only member on this board with a Yellow Focus Sedan, and a 2002+ Euro Facelift on a sedan.