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Us Auto Bailout: D O A Into The Senate
-sighs- The anti union mantra gets so old and tired...

Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe the workers were just putting together the cars that their bosses told them to build?

Workers can make all sorts of suggestions but ultimately the bosses decide by listening to "focus groups" (pun not intended) on what type of cars/trucks/whatevers to build and market.

Bear in mind too that the parts that these workers are handed to assemble are often made by the lowest possible bidder and so often times workers are left holding the bag if things go wrong.

It wasn't the workers that created such disasters as the Pinto back in the day or even the early North American FocusWhat needs to happen to Detriot's leadership needs to wake up NOW and realize that trying to squeeze the cost of a car to the bone by sacrificing quality is setting themselves up to fail and sitting on a particular segment is to risk falling into the ooze of irrelevancy and taking the North American economy with them in their stubbornness.


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Us Auto Bailout: D O A Into The Senate - NefCanuck - 12-29-2008, 02:42 PM

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