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Amazing Discovery On My Way To Work This Morning.
It's not just blackberrying on the highways -- it's blackberrying in the line at Tim Horton's, on the subway, and in the washroom.

Everytime I use the washroom at this client site, there's guaranteed to be some guy sitting down to pee so he can clack away at his blackberry.

Everytime I get an e-mail with the tag "sent from xxx's blackberry" I cringe, imagining that the guy in the stall hasn't even wiped his vagina before clicking send...

I was starting to think that a blackberry might help me keep abreast of things here a bit more consistently, but man.. I just can't be that guy.

btw.... to the blonde legal assistant on the subway. I read 3 confidential e-mails over your shoulder this morning... I hope your client knows how much your firm takes confidentiality seriously.
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Amazing Discovery On My Way To Work This Morning. - darkpuppet - 05-05-2009, 11:46 PM

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