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Pitbull Ban Not Reducing Dog Bites In On
Ah yes, the good ol manitoba example. Go look at the number of reported bites by other large breeds, they went up Wink This has been discussed on the bully boards over and over again. Supporters of this law always bring the manitoba example up. Sure, you slowed down pitbull bites, but you increased other breed bites by banning the pitbull. Didnt work to well in the end, now did it? Exaclty what we and the true experts said would happen? Yep.

Take the stats with a grain of salt anyways. They are not accurate. I think we can agree that if there is 20 000 pitbulls in Ontario vs 500 Cane corsos, we'll understand why there is more pitbull bites. Pitbull type dogs were a very popular breed to have before the ban. Many, many, many pitbulls out there that havent even lifted a lip towards anybody but we obviously dont expect them to make the front pages of the papers "80 pound pitbull almost drowns 4 month old child with his kisses" isnt exactly news worthy. The news puts a spin on it. People love blood and gore. Now everyone thinks we have this huge problem of pitbulls running loose killing everyone. Such fawkin BS its not even funny.

And yes, I have quite a few suggestions on how to make the laws better. But its the same stuff others brought forward when this law went into place but the politicians didnt want to hear it. Easier for them to put in a band aid solution to look like hero in the eyes of people like you "Oh fawk - about time we did something about these pitbulls, I can walk safely at night now". Its Probably way too much work for them to implement something that would make sense. Again - if I had all the free time in the world to fight this, I would. With a young son, house projects, part time busines and a fulltime job, I really dont want to add anything else to my plate. Call it being scofflaw or whatever, I dont really care the end I support responsible bully owners and not band aid laws. Yes, Im the minority, again, I dont care. I'll tell you where I will concentrate my enerygy - taking care of pitbull type dogs - because at the end of the day, they are wonderful dogs, great with children and are no different than any other properly trained dog. Well maybe they like belly rubs more than the average dog.

You support the law, I dont. You think its making good progress, I think its making none.

I am really done with this thread. lol
[Image: ncclogo.jpg]

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RE: Pitbull Ban Not Reducing Dog Bites In On - Flofocus - 05-05-2010, 11:49 PM

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