08-14-2010, 08:59 AM
a few weeks ago i noticed that my serp belt (at the time) was squealing between 1000rpm-1300rpm give or take, but quiet at idle. I replaced the tensioner pully and belt (tensioner itself is all good) and it went away for about 3 or 4 days, after which it resurfaced again. so this time around i replaced the idler pully and while i was at it swapped out the crank pully and water pump pully for the lightweight CFM ones. After all this i still have a squeal which seems to have gotten worse with the light weight pullies. Iv asked some of the tech in the shop and a few have mentioned it could possibly be the timing belt tensioner starting to go, but whill i had the crank pully off i checked the timing belt and it seemed to be in good condition with proper tension. Any thought and experiences would be helpfull