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Need some workout help fellas.
At 16-17 I weight close to 300lbs, size 44 pants. Between then and now (21 YO) I now weigh 245 lbs, but wear a size 36 pant. My routine has been 1 protein shake in the morning, along with 1 scoop of creatine, then 1 protein shake immediately following my workout. Recently, iv added 1 scoop of greens+ superfood in the morning, along with 3 tablespoons of high potency fish oil a day and 1 scoop of branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) immediately after my work out, along with what i mentioned above

For my workouts, I rotate between heavy lifting (3 sets of 3-6 reps) strength training (3 sets of 10 reps) and cutting (3-4 sets of 25-30 reps). Each month I change to a different style and try to mix it up within each work out, like super setting, taking longer or shorter breaks in between, etc. But, by far the most important thing I do is track my progress on paper, making sure im increasing weight were need be

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RE: Need some workout help fellas. - sonic_mikey - 07-28-2011, 05:08 AM

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