.. Ok so I've leased 4 different laptops over a span of about 6.5 years.
The first two were Dells, the 2nd two were Lenovo's
I will never, ever, EVER get another Dell. EVER. Biggest pieces of s**t I have ever seen - the chassis had zero reinforcement which subsequently led to, in those 4 years, several harddrives, at least 2-3 motherboards, a few keyboards, i think the trackpad was even replaced once or twice, the chassis itself was replaced once. I can't think of any thing else that broke on it. The screen was shattered once but that an accident (brother sat on it). Batteries weren't the best either. Oh, that's right - I think my burner broke once too. World's weakest hinges too - I have seen SEVERAL where the screen woulda been opened too fast and ripped the hinges off the motherboard (OFF THE MOTHERBOARD... FFS Dell worst design ever)
Only good thing about those dells was the accidental/at fault insurance of which I used it a ton. By the time I was done with either laptop (D600 and a D610) they were scratched to s**t, the palm rest had my palms imprinted on them(due to it getting really freaking hot) and the keyboards were flimsy and about to fall apart. The screen's hinges also weren't tight so the screen flapped around, so to speak. frig, there's another thing that broke - the clip that held the screen down broke on me once too - so that's a lcd screen enclosure. Another nail in the coffin? The hard drive was located DIRECTLY underneath the left palm rest - you lean on your laptop just that slight bit too much and your wrist would be pressing INTO the harddrive. So, there was no reinforcement and there was no thermal barrier either - it got freaking hot under that wrist some times.
My lenovos OTOH, the first one (also a 2 year lease) NEVER broke. Yes it was scratched by the time I was done with it, it was only regular wear and tear. I think one corner of the chassis had a slight crack in it but nothing serious and actually barely noticeable. Now that I think about it, the back corners of my Dell were cracked, chipped and paint was flaking off. The dell also got EXTREMELY hot.
Anyway, so the lenovo had it's battery replaced once, about 1.5 years into the lease. The screen was titanium reinforced and you knew it was too. The scratches on it were more like rubbing and it was just from going in an out of my backpack. It would've been a T60p.
The 2nd lenovo I had for only for about 3 months (T61p? IDK anymore) and then actually brought it back and was given a T500 for a couple months instead.
I'd buy another Lenovo in a heartbeat. I'd probably do the same for Asus because I think most problems with mine have been due to Windows 7 being s**t. (It's slow when it shouldn't be). However the keyboard after a year is in great condition - worn down, but good. Only problem I'm actually having with it is the trackpad mouse buttons are starting to get flakey. That and when the laptop gets warm the trackpad isn't as responsive so i just blow a bit of air on it for a few seconds and that's usually enough to cool it down to where it'll work again. Pretty nice about this laptop is that it doesn't get overly hot either. I've never felt it be scorching hot.
My mom has a Hewlett Packard netbook - small keyboard, small screen, small processor. I tried using it and after 30 seconds of waiting for pages to load I said fawk it and couldn't be bothered. My old iPhone 3G loaded pages faster.
Hope this helps.
edit: LAST piece of info - I saw about 5-600 Dell D600s and Dell D610's get smashed over those 4 years. We all had one - I tried to take decent care of mine but there was only so much you could do to protect them. If mine wasn't enough to convince me to never buy another dell, everyone else's experience would be.
I'm sure Dell has come a long way since, too, but I'll never buy a laptop that doesn't have solid metal reinforcement. screw this plastic BS.
The first two were Dells, the 2nd two were Lenovo's
I will never, ever, EVER get another Dell. EVER. Biggest pieces of s**t I have ever seen - the chassis had zero reinforcement which subsequently led to, in those 4 years, several harddrives, at least 2-3 motherboards, a few keyboards, i think the trackpad was even replaced once or twice, the chassis itself was replaced once. I can't think of any thing else that broke on it. The screen was shattered once but that an accident (brother sat on it). Batteries weren't the best either. Oh, that's right - I think my burner broke once too. World's weakest hinges too - I have seen SEVERAL where the screen woulda been opened too fast and ripped the hinges off the motherboard (OFF THE MOTHERBOARD... FFS Dell worst design ever)
Only good thing about those dells was the accidental/at fault insurance of which I used it a ton. By the time I was done with either laptop (D600 and a D610) they were scratched to s**t, the palm rest had my palms imprinted on them(due to it getting really freaking hot) and the keyboards were flimsy and about to fall apart. The screen's hinges also weren't tight so the screen flapped around, so to speak. frig, there's another thing that broke - the clip that held the screen down broke on me once too - so that's a lcd screen enclosure. Another nail in the coffin? The hard drive was located DIRECTLY underneath the left palm rest - you lean on your laptop just that slight bit too much and your wrist would be pressing INTO the harddrive. So, there was no reinforcement and there was no thermal barrier either - it got freaking hot under that wrist some times.
My lenovos OTOH, the first one (also a 2 year lease) NEVER broke. Yes it was scratched by the time I was done with it, it was only regular wear and tear. I think one corner of the chassis had a slight crack in it but nothing serious and actually barely noticeable. Now that I think about it, the back corners of my Dell were cracked, chipped and paint was flaking off. The dell also got EXTREMELY hot.
Anyway, so the lenovo had it's battery replaced once, about 1.5 years into the lease. The screen was titanium reinforced and you knew it was too. The scratches on it were more like rubbing and it was just from going in an out of my backpack. It would've been a T60p.
The 2nd lenovo I had for only for about 3 months (T61p? IDK anymore) and then actually brought it back and was given a T500 for a couple months instead.
I'd buy another Lenovo in a heartbeat. I'd probably do the same for Asus because I think most problems with mine have been due to Windows 7 being s**t. (It's slow when it shouldn't be). However the keyboard after a year is in great condition - worn down, but good. Only problem I'm actually having with it is the trackpad mouse buttons are starting to get flakey. That and when the laptop gets warm the trackpad isn't as responsive so i just blow a bit of air on it for a few seconds and that's usually enough to cool it down to where it'll work again. Pretty nice about this laptop is that it doesn't get overly hot either. I've never felt it be scorching hot.
My mom has a Hewlett Packard netbook - small keyboard, small screen, small processor. I tried using it and after 30 seconds of waiting for pages to load I said fawk it and couldn't be bothered. My old iPhone 3G loaded pages faster.
Hope this helps.
edit: LAST piece of info - I saw about 5-600 Dell D600s and Dell D610's get smashed over those 4 years. We all had one - I tried to take decent care of mine but there was only so much you could do to protect them. If mine wasn't enough to convince me to never buy another dell, everyone else's experience would be.
I'm sure Dell has come a long way since, too, but I'll never buy a laptop that doesn't have solid metal reinforcement. screw this plastic BS.
2003 Focus ZX5 Racecar/Perma broke/Storage
2011 Volkswagen Jetta Daily Driver
2011 Volkswagen Jetta Daily Driver