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Someone Likes My Car...............
i remmember in the McDonalds Drive through like 2 years ago, with my GF and her friend, this guy in front of me in a ZX3 go out in the drive through and came up and knocked on me window...

he was like "yo your car is serious! where do yuo get your parts and work done?" all this stuff...

talked to him for like a minute and then i saw my McNUggets were ready and he got back in...

my gf is like "thats awsome he got out and complimented you on your car!! arnt you flattered!"...i was kinda, but i just acted liek it was nothing...

but inside i was like "bow chica bow!"
I wish my grass was Emo, so it would cut itself...

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Someone Likes My Car............... - FociPhil - 03-30-2005, 03:04 AM

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