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C-ya. Keep The Arrogance For Someone Else.

This is Paul speaking for a second here.

This place is obviously more a clubhouse then anything, I am one of the biggest jokers on here and like anyone, I can get carried away! I never mean anything to intentionally hurt or offend peoples property, family, car, or way of life!

I just wanted to say that the times I've gone too far, or over the line..I apologize and don't wish to see anyone leave cause they feel mad, angry, upset, insulted...etc

I've left myself on a few occasions and always come back because I know people are joking and the majority of us are just normal everyday screwballs that like to have fun!

Take me for what I am...


Messages In This Thread
C-ya. Keep The Arrogance For Someone Else. - microbunny - 08-11-2005, 02:49 AM
C-ya. Keep The Arrogance For Someone Else. - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 08-11-2005, 03:14 AM

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