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What A Cluster F Uck This New Orleans Business Is
ANTHONYD,Sep 2 2005, 11:49 PM Wrote:The biggest problem with the U.S. right now is tha fact that they can't swallow their pride for one fuc  kin' second to accept help.

All the people who could have helped the situation, are too busy in Iraq chasing rats and the President won't step off his apple box long enough to look at the big picture.

He's got a millionpeople without homes, people dying, people wading in toxic sluge water looking for help, and he's too busy looking for Mohamed Al-cock-lada tossing grenades at bubba in Iraq. A.K.A. "Fighting Dad's War"

A million bucks says, the ol' patriotisim will be flying like never before in the next few weeks. Way to stick together and stand strong yadda yadda yadda.

Bush is about as capable of running a country as I am.

B.S. Anthony, you could run a country far far better than that fuckwit Shrub Jr. :lol:


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What A Cluster F Uck This New Orleans Business Is - NefCanuck - 09-04-2005, 02:54 PM

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