D-Dub,Sep 15 2005, 11: Wrote:I hate the guys from motoring 2005, the show sucks and they're reviews are so boring.they do turn right twice a year :lol:
I also hate all the drivers from NASCAR, the sport sucks and they should learn how to turn right. I know if I want to go in cirlces I'll just spin myself in a chair.
I hate all the Bufflao Sabres and Ottawa Senators, and Patrick roy, and Barnaby, and Webb and Pecca and David Wells and Palmerio, and Jason Giambi and Sami Sosa and Jose Canseco and Batista and OntarioMet from the bluejays.com board and the entire US olyimpic team and the New York Yankees and the Mets and george Steinbrenner and Ernie Eves and Mike Harris and the guy on the Canadian tire commercials and Ford dealerships that screw people around and give ford a bad name so we can hear about it on here, and Raymond from everybody loves Raymond and his stupid mother that is really annoying and jeff Gordon and jimmie Johnson and ryan Newman, and the backstreet boys and all those other ghey bands like that, and the guy who changed the stoplights on McLeod so now they suck and hold up traffic and the parking officer that gave me a ticket in my own driveway, and waren sapp and allen eagelson and the guy off of "snow trax" cause i dont want to watch a show on snowmobiling when i don't own a snowmobile, and the broadcasters out of the Buffalo news networks and peter Gibbons and don Thompson Jr. and johnny dep and donald Brashear and triple H and Tiger Woods and Hal Sutton and Scott Verplank and waren Sakiw and Judge Judy, and the other Judge shows and reality tv shows and all that other crap, the peple on the Rogers commercial and the inventor of commercials and the inventor of the toilet seat cover and the inventor of ciggarettes and Hitler and Field Marshall Rommel and all the other Field Marshals in hitlers army and Eisenhower and Alqueda and osama andstupid suicide bombers and people who killed those Russian children and the people who bombed London and the Red hot chilly peppers and hanson but not the Hanson Brothers from Slapshot and Bob Villa and Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod(not really) and Denise the Menace and his neighbor and the Narrator from "Rescue 911" and the guy from the East side Marios commercials and aston kutchar and the people who drive in the middle lane and not in the right lane when im trying to turn left and then there is so much traffic it can sometime take up to 5 minutes to turn, what the F is up with that just because somebuddy can drive in the other lane and the people along the niagara Parkway who ride ther bikes on the ROAD when there is a bicycle path right beside the road and people who pass then slow down and people who turn there brights on while following someone, and people who steal from the church collection plate and Rudolph Gulliani and michael jackson janet jackson and wayne gretzky and harold Ballard and Dalton McGuinty and Buzz Hargrove and Andy dick and Matt Damon and David Ortiz and Einstien and Ben Affleck and the Afflack Duck and Jahova Wittnesses that come to my door, and door to door salesmen and David Letterman and Jimmie Kimmel and people who use brakes for no reason and poeple who don't stop at red lights and people i give "the finger" to when they piss me off and
2001 SE Sedan
gas mileage King of FocusCanada!
760.8km on 45L
gas mileage King of FocusCanada!
760.8km on 45L