NOS2Go4Me,Nov 3 2005, 10:39 AM Wrote:But what if I don't want gay traction control (real men know how to launch on their own), power seats (uber gay), or a power roof (yarrr captain! Gay Island ahoy!)?
I don't care if it's faster, has more bitch toys, and makes cappucino... the Viper is rude, fun, and has a wider set of contact patches than Roseanne Barr on her back. :o
Keep the Z06.
You can keep your oversized go-kart with less technology in it than a meter stick. I'll take my technologically advanced Z06 and smoke your "Hold on I'm still trying to get out of first gear...oh wait I just melted $4000 of brand new rubber because this piece of s**t car won't launch" ass.