03-02-2006, 01:01 AM
SO if I were to put down 10% on a house that was $120k. THat would be $12k I'm thinking that I should need to have almost another $10k set aside for all the fees and other payments that may come my way. Hmmm.....I definitley don't want to be living pay cheque to pay cheque, I see that far too often in my trade. And on top of that, I see guys set their lives on an overtime cheque, which can be the worste. Expecting the extra 2-3-400$ to come in and only to find out that their will be no overtime for a while. I think I have at least another 6-9 months of saving to do, buckling down, and very limited spending. I think if I can do that I would be in good shape for possiblyan early spring move if not earlier. My first goal if to get a place that is not only hiring, but busy as well. If I can find a place where I can get al least 50 hours in and a descent increase in wage, I think i can get the money faster