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This Is Balls....these Guys A Nuts!
thats nuts! They should have wrote...Missle Here-->
2002 Infra-red ZTS
HAHHAHAHA that is awesome, i would have puked from being so scared!!!

Makes you think...that could have been a terrorist, stick some c4 and run away. Nice security!!
I wish my grass was Emo, so it would cut itself...
the video was staged... it's a viral marketing campaign and the disclaimer on Ecko's site reads

Quote:"Please read the language set forth herein carefully as it may affect, inhibit, modify or otherwise influence the interests or perceptions of any end user (hereinafter "you" or "end user") viewing the preceeding video (also referred to herein and hereas as "The Still Free Video"). You, the viewer of the preceeding are hereby advised that the video does not depict a real event. It is intended for the sole, limited and express purpose of entertainment and to induce you, the viewer of the video, to think critically about freedom of expression and speech and the government's responses to the same. Therefore, and by reason of the foregoing, the producers, creators and distributors of this video hereby verily certify that the foregoing fictionalization and dramatization was not real. Furthermore, and without limitation now, since the beginning of time and without perpituity, the producers, creators and distributors of this video and anyone else who was involved in the making of this video assume no risks or liabilities stemming from or related to your ("the end user's") viewing of same and assume no liability for any damages that result directly or indirectly from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletions of files, viruses, errors, defects or any failures of performance, communications failures, theft, destruction or unauthorized access. Copying, duplication and distribution of this video is encouraged."

of course I also don't believe it's a "statement" about anything other than getting you to buy more Ecko brand products.
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I think they did that so they wouldnt get busted!!! "Covering you ass" as they say.
I wish my grass was Emo, so it would cut itself...
FociPhil,Apr 21 2006, 01:52 PM Wrote:I think they did that so they wouldnt get busted!!! "Covering you ass" as they say.

do you think you could tag airforce 1 and NOT have it on CNN 5 minutes later?

I doubt it.
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Well, the government could stop it, why would they want to leak something like that?

"Hey America, just to let you know everything is fine. We have up'd the security across the nation and 911 will never happen again, thatnsk for spending billions on it...but it looks like a mastermind vandal has found a way to tag air force one...dont worry, everything is still under control!!"

Im just playing, it was staged im sure...but im just saying. Media is controled by government.
I wish my grass was Emo, so it would cut itself...
Hmmm If th AF1 got tagged...that would NEVER make it to the press.

Not in a million years.
ANTHONYD,Apr 21 2006, 06:16 PM Wrote:Hmmm If th AF1 got tagged...that would NEVER make it to the press.

Not in a million years.

got that right!

I guess we will never know! :P
I wish my grass was Emo, so it would cut itself...
some things that have happened with AF1 that HAVE made the news...

Quote:Three days after the San Francisco Chronicle revealed that sensitive security details about Air Force One were publicly available on a Pentagon Web site - and more than a week after being notified by the paper - the Air Force finally removed the information from the Web, the Chronicle reports today.

    The security information — contained in a "technical order" — is used by rescue crews in the event of an emergency aboard various Air Force planes. But this order included details about Air Force One's anti-missile systems, the location of Secret Service personnel within the aircraft and information on other vulnerabilities that terrorists or a hostile military force could exploit to try to damage or destroy Air Force One, the president's air carrier.

Apparently, the document was posted online out of laziness or stinginess.

    Putting the order on the Internet, "was viewed (by someone) as a cost-effective method of making the information available," an unnamed official noted, "but it compromised information not only about Air Force One. … It had information about our entire fleet."
This article was posted in a UK tabloid, but the plans to the planes were indeed published. Highly classified, probably not, but the plans were pulled.

Quote:InfoBeat, 01:47 PM ET 06/05/98
Clinton's plane briefly disappears from radar

    New York (Reuters) - President Clinton's plane disappeared briefly from air traffic control radar screens Friday but there was never any danger to those on board Air Force One, aviation officials said.

If they tagged airforce one, someone would have noticed right away, Ecko would be going up in front of congress and it would be all over the news.

If he 'disappears' in a few days time, I'll accept that as evidence that he truly did the deed as well.

a legal disclaimer on the website won't change what the president would do if he woke up and found the tag on his airplane in the morning. Also consider the number of people that follow these planes around the nation, you can bet someone around the plane would have leaked pictures of their own.

Just like how the US wouldn't let pictures of abu grahab prison leak either... and that's a bigger screwup than if AF1 got tagged.
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Doesn't the AF1 pane have Maverick and IceMan following it around?
yeah they are good points. Like i said, more then likley, its not real.

AF1 does have 2 figther jets always escorting them.
I wish my grass was Emo, so it would cut itself...
FociPhil,Apr 21 2006, 03:56 PM Wrote:yeah they are good points. Like i said, more then likley, its not real.

AF1 does have 2 figther jets always escorting them.

I don't think the airforce follows them over international airspace.. against ze law...not sure tho..

but a bit more info on airforce one can be found here
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really??? then the plane is pretty much a sitting duck...and the US dont like that much!!
I wish my grass was Emo, so it would cut itself...
if you want to watch some crazy tagging search for the torrent of the following video [Friendly Fire]

[Image: vid_friendlyfire_big.jpg]

I Vtec
It's a fake-
FociPhil,Apr 21 2006, 06:09 PM Wrote:really??? then the plane is pretty much a sitting duck...and the US dont like that much!!

not really.. AF1 has plenty of it's own air defences... mostly classified, but it has ECM, missle defences and anti-aircraft defences... Probably wouldn't last long in a serious dog fight, but enough to discourage enemies.
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well, it finally made the news...

story here

Quote:Apr 22, 1:40 PM (ET)


(AP) This Internet video image provided by Marc Echo Enterprises shows the words "Still Free" painted...

WASHINGTON (AP) - A startling Internet video that shows someone spraying graffiti on President Bush's jet looked so authentic that the Air Force wasn't immediately certain whether the plane had been targeted.

It was all a hoax. No one actually sprayed the slogan "Still Free" on the cowling of Air Force One.

The pranksters responsible for the grainy, two-minute Web video - employed by a New York fashion company - revealed Friday how they pulled it off: a rented 747 in California painted to look almost exactly like Air Force One.

"I wanted to do something culturally significant, wanted to create a real pop-culture moment," said Marc Ecko of Marc Ecko Enterprises. "It's this completely irreverent, over-the-top thing that could really never happen: this five-dollar can of paint putting a pimple on this Goliath."

The video shows hooded graffiti artists climbing barbed-wire fences and sneaking past guards with dogs to approach the jumbo jet. They spray-paint a slogan associated with free expression.

After the video began circulating on the Web on Tuesday, the Air Force checked to see whether the plane had been vandalized.

"We're looking at it, too," said Lt. Col. Bruce Alexander, a spokesman for the Air Mobility Command's 89th Airlift Wing, which operates Air Force One. "It looks very real."

Alexander later confirmed that no such spray-painting had occurred.

Ecko acknowledged Friday that his company had rented a 747 cargo jet at San Bernardino's airport and covertly painted one side to look like Air Force One. Employees signed secrecy agreements and worked inside a giant hangar until the night the video was made. Ecko declined to say how much the stunt cost.

"It's not cheap," he said. "You have to be rich."
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