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Any One Seen One Of Theese
:angry: So 1st off i am thinking of going stand alone since tuning the car is a big pain in the ass and shipping the car out to Van and driving it back I have nothing to fall back on if something goes wrong out here later in the year

so after doing my research the PECTEL T2 looks the best
does anyone have any other ideas or sugestions on what to run

i was also looking into the steering wheel dash link below

i have been stuck on this all winter and racking my brain so any help would be nice

i have put my stereo on hold untill i find a sulotion to my problem
The SCT pro racer package is a great option if you want to keep the stock ecu

otherwise, look at the Motec ecu, and i think AEM is supposed to be comming out with something, i dont know if theres any truth to that or not.

I'd also look at the J&S Safeguard as an extra security measure
Below Average Car Club
Talk to P51 if he will talk to you. The Pectel is very powerful but not necessarily the best option. What tuning problems are you having? Unless you have mismatched something it's fairly basic stuff these days.
I have a few cars.

One for my dog.
One that has no roof.
One that looks good parked at the golf course.
One that is being rebuilt by a guy named Nero..... will it ever be done?
Without much trouble the sct pro pkg is gonna get u going without much issue. I'm pretty happy with my setup,mind u its just a tiny sc setup but the sct package wourks out well....

Edit: I'd also add that maybe adding on the J&S as a good safety measure would be a good idea.

I can only suggest you stay away.

The Pectel T2 had the potential to be the best thing ever for the Focus, but they really screwed the pooch on it.

I was an early adopter, and discovered faults in the basic programming which the head distributor in the US did not even have the technical knowledge to discuss with me.

I ended up calling Pectel in the UK for assistance, who forwarded me to PI USA. A guy I talked to there was at least able to discuss the problem, and confirmed what I was seeing.

However, 4 years later, and they have not fixed the problem. There are basic "modules" in the system that do not work. Closed loop boost control, decel fuel cut when used with closed loop O2 control, and others.

Not to mention, they offer ZERO after sales support for tuning, nor something as simple as a manual to tell you what every function does or how it works. You'd be totally lost. The only reason I stood a chance is because of OEM Ford calibration training.

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