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Pen Used To Fix Lunar Lander
Quote:LONDON (AFP) - The first men on the Moon had to use a pen to fix a broken switch on their lunar module and return home to Earth, British newspaper the Daily Mirror reported ahead of a new television documentary.

Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, and Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin Jr, his fellow astronaut, accidentally snapped off the switch of a circuit breaker, and found they could not take off without it.

Aldrin then jammed a ballpoint pen into the hole where the switch had been, allowing the astronauts' lunar module Eagle to leave the surface of the Moon.

According to the documentary "Apollo 11: The Untold Story", to be aired Monday on Britain's Channel Five television, the US was so eager to beat the Soviet Union to putting a man on the Moon, it launched its historic 1969 mission before it was completely prepared.

Richard Nixon even prepared an address to the nation announcing the deaths of Armstrong, Aldrin and Michael Collins.

"In looking around at some of the lunar dust on the floor, I discovered something that really didn't belong there -- a broken end of a circuit breaker," Aldrin told Channel Five in excerpts printed in the Daily Mirror.

"In the countdown procedure I used a pen, one of several that we had on board that didn't have metal on the end, and we used that to push the circuit breaker in."

The documentary also shows how the US government ordered
NASA to cut links with the astronauts if disaster was imminent, not wanting the world to watch images of American astronauts spinning off into space.

Aldrin revealed how the astronauts believed they saw an unidentified flying object during the flight as well, adding that NASA covered it up for thirty years.

"There was something out there that was close enough to be observed," Aldrin said.

amazing how well they did with such low technology back then...
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An astronaut in today's world would be guaranteed certain death because people nowadays are too stupid to figure anything out on their own. No common sense either.
[Image: 860doigiveadamn2yy.gif]

Prolly Is not a word
Oh yeah, some of the things a 'common person' sees or reads about when it comes to the flaws is amazing how common people can't see any common sense in it yet it was a design by literally a rocket scientist......

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