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Stupid Drivers
So last night i was driving down to a friends place, to pick him up and go to the gym, everything was cool, but the roads weren't good, packed snow and ice. So I'm goin along and go to make a right hand turn, signaled in advance and slowed down, just turned into the alley my buddy lives on when i hear a crash and my car is now moving straight sideways into a telephone pole, i watch as my drivers side mirror is smashed up and then look to my left to see a car driving up the alley. Pissed off thinking he's running I stare at his car and get the license number and make. Fortueately he stopped, we were both ok and exchanged info. But my car is messed up, both side-view mirros need to be replaced, there are dents a scratches on my drivers door and rear bumber, but the kicker is my passenger door is completely hooped, smashed in from the impact and the top is bent outwards. So saw ICBC today gave my statement and got their estimate, about $2000 in damages, and they say it looks like I'm not at fault (which i'm not), but they have to wait until they get the other guys statement tomorrow. So anyways after I saw ICBC today, went home(car is still driveable) and ripped out all my stereo equipment, I was just scared it's far to easy to break into my car with a busted up door, even with my alarm.
So now i get to wait until tomorrow to see if they're going to try and make it 50/50 fault, cause if they do I'm not going to be happy, and am going to fight it, but there were no witnesses so its my word verses his, which scares me, cause who knows what hes gonna try and say.
I bought a red car, because everyone knows red is the fastest.
Sorry for the bad luck.

Hopefully everything goes smoothly
[Image: ncclogo.jpg]
Ah man, I'm feeling your pain... I'm still waiting to get mine back from the body shop. Good luck with your insurance dood.
2004 SVT 3Dr

Well I just got word from icbc today and I'm not at fault, so they're waiving my deductible. Now I just have to wait for the bodyshop to get the parts ordered in and then it gets to go into the bodyshop. I'm thinking of trying to get them to paint and install my rs collection spoiler while its in the shop, save me the time going in again in the spring.
I bought a red car, because everyone knows red is the fastest.
excellent dood, and yeah it sounds like a good idea to get that wing painted too... if you ask the right question the right way to the body shop guy, it could be no charge ;) ie insurance might pay for it and never know??!!
2004 SVT 3Dr


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