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October 23rd C7performance Fall Tour Official Invi
05 Altima SE-R
98 Grand Cherokee 5.9: Flowmaster; K&N
05 300C 5.7: Sold
99 Civic SIR: Sold
03 Focus SVT: Sold
01 Focus ZX3: Sold
It is with disappointment that we deliver this important message. This year's event has been cancelled.

In the business of 'getting the job done' , we have come across, and effectively managed a number of challenges to put together what many have come to expect as a fun, safe, and well organized event. With interest, and participation of clubs that span the province, and representation of cars from a variety of manufacturers C7 has been proud to play a role in helping to bring our communities closer.

After much careful deliberation of those elements within our control, and those external to our project management of this event, your executive management team has taken the difficult decision to forgo operating this years event.

We realize many of you will be dissapointed, and some new to the event and the community here at C7 will wonder what you missed. This event is the work of many years of building bridges among clubs, and putting an event that brings real people together sharing a passion of something they have in common - their cars. We take great pride in the fact that we have offered this event with organization focused on safety first, and most of all fun.

We understand there may be disappointment, but at this time we trust you will recognize our decision was reached after much consideration of important factors that are required to offer such an event. We are taking lessons learned from 2005 and building them into our model for future events.

At this time, we would like to welcome any parties or individuals interested in driving this year's designated route, to contact us. We would be pleased to offer route details for your own personal driving pleasure. We would also like to take this opportunity to recognize, and thank the many leaders that have assisted us in organizing this year's event

Wishing you all a safe, and happy year end.

Your C7 Executive Management Team
2001 Celica GT-S
[Image: 06.jpg]
this is unfortunate indeed. :(
Contribute to's future!

Donations of $20 and over get a custom title!

doh :(
05 Altima SE-R
98 Grand Cherokee 5.9: Flowmaster; K&N
05 300C 5.7: Sold
99 Civic SIR: Sold
03 Focus SVT: Sold
01 Focus ZX3: Sold
That Sucks................
I was the only member on this board with a Yellow Focus Sedan, and a 2002+ Euro Facelift on a sedan.
thats too bad.....
2001 SE Sedan
gas mileage King of FocusCanada!

760.8km on 45L
Hey everyone I just wanted follow-up there has been a large demand for the route for this year’s tour. Below is the link for the directions. However I wanted to take the time to emphasize that should your club want to run the route, do not run it on the 23rd as the field is private property and every club can not go on the 23rd as the field won't be open nor mowed and there will not be enough parking for all the cars.
2001 Celica GT-S
[Image: 06.jpg]
Oh well... I'll wait till next year I guess!

Plus I guess I will let my engine relax a little!! LOL....

Thanks for letting us know!
Skirt, Volant Intake, HID projectors, Eibach Suspension, SVT rims
sup everyone

me and some friends are gonna cruise on sunday anyways
i don't have much details yet

but i will post up here or in a different thread
is anyone wants to come out
start to think about it

we are thinking cruise and bbq
if it is raining and s**t
cruise and stop in some restaraunt!

lets see if there is any interest from the fords

my Buddy Tony with the SVT focus asked me to send the invite along!

I've already said I would work this weekend since the official notice went out! Sorry!

Skirt, Volant Intake, HID projectors, Eibach Suspension, SVT rims

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