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Ok Raise Your Hand If You Got Laid Off Today
yup go into work today, and my punch card wasnt in the rack, right then I knew something was up. Talkl to the forman only to find out they are going trrough some lay-offs. OK I understand, we have been slow. I work in the tool and mold trade for those who don't know. So who else got the hit. Oh just you and our crib attendant, mind you is 65 years old. Thats I take out the AK..!!

Yup, now I am offically unemployed. What really burns my ass, is that I am on time everyday, rarely tae a day off, or not show because of sickness, do my job, and I am one of the best guys they have working for them. So they let me go, and keep the rest of them who come in late, drunk, hung over, and no shows, the same guys who have a hard time doing their job, and the ones who don't give a s*** about the place or what they are doing..........

Well thankyou for enjoying my rant, I feel better now.......................................................

Back to the beer....mmmm Coors Light......aaaaggghhhh
Hey, I drink Coors Light and I got laid off today too.


I think not.
TEAM PITA Don't settle for a wannabe, only accept the real deal.

One day I will rule the world. For now, I have to settle for this place.
Okay I just tossed my 1/2 case of coors over my 23rd flr Balcony!!!

I don't care who is below me, I like my job!!!

Sorry to hear bout this guys..........
Skirt, Volant Intake, HID projectors, Eibach Suspension, SVT rims
yup sounds like coors light is the devil, ah well I here hell isnt so bad. I know all of us will be there
Coors Light IS the devil...
Silver '05 Saabaru 9-2X Aero
Ouch, condolences. Never fun to here someone got the axe. Any plans for what's next?

The last company I worked for that I got laid off from, they ended up going downhill in the toilet because they had no one to properly manage their computer systems, their employee count went from 50 to 5.. Serves right. If you feel your place of employment doesnt appreciate punctual and good/hard workers, then im sorry your in the wrong job.
My other ride is your Mom
Well now I plan to take this coming week off. Beings it is my birthday on saturday (MArch4). Right now I'm thinking of alot of things. I already have my mold making cerification papers, I can really go anywhere in ontario with them. Only problem is moving to where the work is. I know now Windsor is and will be going down the pooper within the next 5 -10 years, and where that would put me with a job is unknown. I dunno, maybe move up closer to TO, kitchener, london, I don't know yet. I just know that in the last few months about 100 people loast their jobs due to lay-offs in the city in the same field. I guess now I am one of them. Who here has moved away from home, (long distances) for work. How did it go, how did you deal. Was it hard to find a place.?????
This really sucks because I really liked the people I worked with, this place I was almost there 3 years, a tight nit family of guys. It just sucks it is going to end like this. Its funny I have even looked states side for a job, and what do I find, Roush industries, they are looking for mold maker with my qualifications, only issue is that I'm in canada, and there in livonia michigan. Half hour drive, 40-50km one way, but the pay could be excellent. SO I sent a resume, and we will see what comes out of it. Right now like I said, I am just going to take soem time to reflect on the best course for me to take right now.
Dude, that sucks, I know how it feels. Ford let me go 2 years ago, even though I was one of the smartest engineers in my department. Now, 2 years later it appears my current employer, Dana, is possibly going to declare bankruptcy over the weekend.

It has come out they have hired a restructuring firm, and will not comment on the issue, and some people think Dana has run out of cash. The stock tanked on Friday, lost 52% of it's value to 1.51, it was at $17 just 1-2 years ago.

Luckily for me, I saw the signs of a poorly run company in time, and got the hell out. I start my new job next Monday.

I live in Windsor, and used to work in Livonia. The commute was reasonable, maybe 30-35 minutes. Your real issue is if you can get a work visa for the US. Not sure if mold makers are eligible. Usually it's only university degrees.

I moved from Ottawa to Windsor when I got the job at Ford. It's tough moving away from your family. We're moving to Toronto to get closer to ours.

But, fear not, TO isn't that far from Windsor. You could easily visit on weekends. And TO is much better than Windsor. Anywhere is much better than Windsor. Sorry to say it, if you're a lifetime Windsorite... but I've seen MANY cities in Canada, and Windsor is the worst, with no redeeming qualities except... nope, no redeeming qualities.

Quote:Hey, I drink Coors Light and I got laid off today too.

I'm pretty sure this guy really doesn't need to hear about YOUR "layoff" situation.
sorry to hear that man... well, hopefully the opportunity will arise to better your situation. Sometimes it takes a bit of discomfort to truly move forward.

Good luck either way.
Contribute to's future!

Donations of $20 and over get a custom title!

P-51,Feb 26 2006, 10: Wrote:But, fear not, TO isn't that far from Windsor.  You could easily visit on weekends.  And TO is much better than Windsor.  Anywhere is much better than Windsor.  Sorry to say it, if you're a lifetime Windsorite... but I've seen MANY cities in Canada, and Windsor is the worst, with no redeeming qualities except... nope, no redeeming qualities.
I moved from Windsor to Hamilton back in the early '90s. I work in Oakville. I got my Industrial General Machinist when I was laid off there, but in '92 the job market in Windsor sucked, the machining field field is cyclic at best.

laidman, Forget Toronto. once you get over the new city party stage, it blows. The few the things that Windsor does have going for it -- a reasonable standard of living, an opportunity to own a lot that's bigger than 40x100, etc are completely out the window on a machinists salary. The only people that I know that like TO are those who grew up there.

Cost of living--here's an example. In 1995 a $110,000 split ranch on a 80w x 120d lot in A'berg cost $120 in Windsor and $150 in Hamilton. In Burlington $170, Oakville $200, TO $300. So unless you want to be a perpetual renter I'd advise against it. Maybe Burlington, not TO

Some things I miss about Essex County (not necessarily Windsor), mainly it sucks never running into people you grew up with, and when you do go home to visit, you never have enough time to visit everyone.

Just remember that you have to make a living. You have to go where the money is. But if you move past London -- face reality. I tried the commute to see people thing. It doesn't work for more than a year. So be prepared to cut a lot of bonds. But in the end, you'll live.

I seem to remember a place towards Orillia that was looking for machinists, their offer at the time was very generous. I'll post it if I find it.
TEAM PITA: Don't settle for a wannabe, only accept the real deal.
*Magnetic Metallic 2015 Focus ST* *Red Candy Metallic 2012 F150 SuperCrew*
*Supercharged Roush Phase 2 Kona Blue 2012 Mustang GT*
most of us experience something job-related problems at atleast once in our lives.. I had 2 experiences already... the computer IT job layoff, and one year later.. A&P Canada re-structuring, it wasnt a layoff, but I was offered a severance and partial severance packages and being employed with them for almost 10 years in the company. I look at it positive. thanks to those upsets, I am now very happy to be employed by the Rogers group of Companies and am slowly making my way up the corprate chain
My other ride is your Mom
I will give you that, the housing costs in Windsor are very affordable. However, the polution, smog, heat and humidity are just killer.

OAC_Sparky,Feb 26 2006, 01:31 PM Wrote:Cost of living--here's an example. In 1995 a $110,000 split ranch on a 80w x 120d lot in A'berg cost $120 in Windsor and $150 in Hamilton. In Burlington $170, Oakville $200, TO $300. So unless you want to be a perpetual renter I'd advise against it. Maybe Burlington, not TO

Here's another example: single story East York (Toronto) bungie on 35'w X 135'l, May 1999=$225,000; Feb 2006=$400,000+

Someone do the math, what's that the equivalent to?, 11 new Focues in the past 7 years?

Ladies, ask me about my net worth.
2001 Focus ZTS 2004 WRX
"I'm just here for the camping"
2001 ZTS,Feb 26 2006, 08:22 PM Wrote:Here's another example: single story East York (Toronto) bungie on 35'w X 135'l, May 1999=$225,000; Feb 2006=$400,000+

Someone do the math, what's that the equivalent to?, 11 new Focues in the past 7 years?

Ladies,  ask me about my net worth.
It's only worth that on paper until you sell, and it depends on what you want to live in at the end. If you want to "move up" and stay in the same area, the bigger houses move up as well. And the bigger the mortgage, the more interest you pay.

In 1999 we bought 900 sq ft bungalo on the West Mountain (Hamilton) was $109, sold for $180 in 2005 (could have got $186 but we went with a lower offer because of a flexible closing date because we were getting the house built.) Since the original purchase price was so low, the mortgage was nearly paid when we sold.
[Image: oldhouse.jpg]

In turn we bought a $310 with over half paid., 1 year later it's at $390 2500 sqft on a 50x135' lot. Because we didn't have to take out a huge mortgage for the upgrade, we pay less to the bank in interest.
[Image: newhouse.jpg]

Remember that your net worth isn't only about what you own, it's also what you owe.
TEAM PITA: Don't settle for a wannabe, only accept the real deal.
*Magnetic Metallic 2015 Focus ST* *Red Candy Metallic 2012 F150 SuperCrew*
*Supercharged Roush Phase 2 Kona Blue 2012 Mustang GT*
Being only 25 (well in a few days), I have been in windsor all my life. Leaving all of this would be really tough. My family is very important to me. But in reality, I do have to look at the future, Windsor is going down for work in my field. Yeah if I can pick up a job in the states that would be great, I've heard good things about people going over there for work. Having a certified person with my experience can get top dollar pay if you go to the right place. I'm not saying I'm not going to look for a job here in windsor, but I definitly am not going to rule out moving away for a more stable work place. I'm still thinking about trying some other field of work, but beings I have been doing this for almost 10 years, I feel I can't start over, and if I do, there goes my $20/hour wage that I worked so hard to achieve. Hmmmm....
I really have to give this alot of thought. To move, it would cost alot of time and money, and if it doesn't work out then what....... wasted

There are places around the city that are busy, busy enough to hire not sure. Like I said, I am taking this week and using for a self reflecting time, and maybe after that I hopefully will come up with some conclusion that will help me decide which direction I shall take.

Now for what I really feel..................
This f***ing place, pisses me off so much. I work my ass off for them this past month. I was on afternoons this month, first week I worked nearly 60 hours for them in a matter of 4 days, two of those goddam days were 16 hour shifts. I did it to help out, with the false thinking that they appriciated it, yeah bulls***. The next week 50 hours, same deal, work constant. Rush rush rush, got to get it done. Make the deadline, make the company some money, and for what nothing!!!! The next week, not too bad, only 40 hours, I still was busy, for the whole week. And to top it all off this week. For any of you who hasn't worked in a tool shop, may not know how hard you have to work, being on your feet all day long, the stress of fitting 20 hours of work in a 10 hour day. No I'm not saying tht any of you don't work hard, or that I have it any harder that you. Constantly running around busting your ass, just to make the shop some what profitable. Yeah this week was much of the same, work work work, I stay almost 12 hours the night before. I come in the next day, only to find my punch card no longer in the respective slot, right there I knew somethign was wrong......within minutes, I find out that they are getting rid of me, "temporarily" Yeah right. f***ing cocksuckers, the s*** I did for them, and this is the thanks. It makes me wonder why I gave a s*** that much in the first place. Taking so much care in a place that will unload you when they feel like oh this is a god time to f*** em. I'd love to run into them outside of the shop. So many things I would like to say, but, beings I am that kind of person, I would still be that good guy who would still say nothing, and keep walking. These rotten bastards, having us work on there $100,000 choppers, and snowmobiles, parading them off in front of us, like the dicks that they are, showing off to the employees the brand new uber expensive cars, parked in the lot. Yup, the whole shop, a bunch of suckers, last year they made over $5,000,000, oh yeah, thats in their pockets, and for us, this Christmas, not even a thankyou for all the hard work this year. Nothing. In a way I am glad I don't work there anymore, my hard work, would be better appriciated somewhere else. AARG!!! This makes me so mad, but HAPPY
Has anyone seen my gun, the new shift of this week starts in about 7 hours, I don't want to be late...........LOL
You could always talk to an employment lawyer... you may be able to get money from the shop.

It's ridiculous what I see people getting for "dismisal with reason"....
Contribute to's future!

Donations of $20 and over get a custom title!

That's definitely called "working for the wrong guys".

At least you've got the chance to go ahead and find a better employer now. I'd offer to help, but we don't have much for tool/lathe guys even at the shop that I am aware of.
Daily driver 1: 2007 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport "S"

33" BFG Mud-Terrain KM2s, lots of Rough Country gear - bumper, 2.5" lift, swaybar disconnects, Superwinch 10,000lb winch, Detroit Locker in rear D44 axle, custom exhaust, K+N filtercharger, Superchips-tuned.

Daily driver 2: 2006 Subaru Legacy GT

COBB Stage 1+ package - AccessPort tuner, COBB intake and airbox. Stage 2 coming shortly - COBB 3" AT stainless DP and race cat, custom 3" Magnaflow-based exhaust and Stage 2 COBB tune.
unfortunatly, I work in an un-unionized shop, so I have very little rights when it comes to lay-offs. They could even lay me off because I walk with a limp, or by what car I drive, oh yeah, its that gay.
Actually, at least you're on your own two feet. I give you serious credit for working without the skirt of a union in front of you.

PM me if you want your resume dropped in North Bay :)

It's highly doubtful, but the offer stands.
Daily driver 1: 2007 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport "S"

33" BFG Mud-Terrain KM2s, lots of Rough Country gear - bumper, 2.5" lift, swaybar disconnects, Superwinch 10,000lb winch, Detroit Locker in rear D44 axle, custom exhaust, K+N filtercharger, Superchips-tuned.

Daily driver 2: 2006 Subaru Legacy GT

COBB Stage 1+ package - AccessPort tuner, COBB intake and airbox. Stage 2 coming shortly - COBB 3" AT stainless DP and race cat, custom 3" Magnaflow-based exhaust and Stage 2 COBB tune.

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