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Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - Printable Version

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Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - french_connection - 05-19-2004

anyone up for a meet on 24 week end?

maybe st-tomas dragway, or Grand bend strip???

any suggestions?

Im up for something.


Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - lordkingod - 05-19-2004

Why dont you go to the push-it-to-the-limit solo II at Square One shopping centre ? ;)


Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - lumpy - 05-19-2004

I will be north of Parry Sound in case anyone is going to the cottage.

By the way, why don't we plan for a SUNDAY next meet. I can never make it out Saturdays cause of work, and I live an hour from T.O.

My .02 $.

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - D-Dub - 05-19-2004

Push it to the limit is on a sunday??

Im gonna be in Ottawa and Montreal this weekend hopefully I can get down for this event.

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - tdot-zx3 - 05-19-2004

Ill be back in toronto soon guys .... Im gonna through my 16v into the car just with a ported head and fuel system mods and come show up with my stock rabbit ...

woot... Its gonna be fun in my 1600 pound tin can.

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - lordkingod - 05-19-2004

I'll be camping this weekend so pus it to the limit is out of the question for me :(

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - Paparoach - 05-19-2004

Guys we have to do something soon....I am going fukin bananas up here. And like hell I am going to drive to North Bay to see a SPI. :D

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - scoobasteve - 05-19-2004

I was actually thinking st thomas.... what day were you thinking marc ?

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - j3rt - 05-19-2004

I might be up for something, sat or part of sunday.

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - Stap Boy - 05-20-2004

Y'all can meet me at my Fiancee's Cottage in Grand Bend :)

we'll be there on the Saturday of the 24...

SweetG can tell you how awesome the place is :P

Right on the lake boyz!

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - lordkingod - 05-20-2004

How bout we all spend the whole weekend there??? Cuz I cant find any campgrounds to drink at :lol:


Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - BrooksZX3 - 05-20-2004

I'm am up for whatever :) I only have to commit to the CASCAR Super Series opener at Delaware on Sunday... anyone want to join me for that?

King of the hill is Sat night at Delaware - for those of you that don't know... anyone in the audience can race (the stands are on 'the hill'), 1 lap,1/2 mile, 2 cars/race, elimination til there's 1 car left! There is a done up civic that has been beeting everything the last couple years, time for him to hand over the crown soon :P It's best to get the inside, lots of nice V8's have found the wall on turn 3-4, even some stollen trans ams lol :o

anyway, yeah Marc, count me in.

c'mon guys, if you're not already busy then let's do SOMETHING :ph34r: s**t, I've been in toronto the last two weeks, why don't a few of you boys head west

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - french_connection - 05-20-2004

STAP boy where is that cottage.

sounds to me that it would be the perfect plan for saturday for a meet, we can find a spot to park our car and chill and all.

Pat, lets work on the stap boy connection.

I'll be at st-tomas friday night if anyone wanna come.

I got 20$ to bet on my a55 :lol:

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - DD1 - 05-20-2004

marc I said it will cost you a 50 $ bill to lose to me :lol: anyhow Marc I am on back up on friday so I think Dave was thinking about doing something locally which would include BEER hmmmmmm Beer :D Plus it wouldn't be a good way starting the long weekend with an A55 raping by my 4 doors family car :blink:
Your truely Donald

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - j3rt - 05-20-2004

Still interested. Grand Bend would be a fun drive from the looks of it.

Pat, you can drink in Grand River Conservation Authority(?) areas. It's the Provincial Parks that have an alcohol ban. If your really bent on camping check regional camping/conservation areas. Of the top of my head I think you can drink at Elora Gorge and Bing Island both

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - Stap Boy - 05-21-2004

I'm only going to be there the Saturday... I won't be staying overnight because of the Pregnant Missus...

But, I'm sure something could be worked out :) (People will be there all weekend)

Uhm.. I've got a Map somewhere on here to the place.. I"ll go lookin' for it

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - D-Dub - 05-21-2004

anyone going to the Pinery ?

I might be goin there this weekend because my trip to Ottawa/Montreal is not happening pissed.

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - DD1 - 05-21-2004

I am stuck in london working for the man
and making no good money ;) if near london call me at 868 0896 anytime Iwill give you directions to my house for a cold one ok people working on a long weekend blows I need a new job :rolleyes:

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - j3rt - 05-22-2004

what's the drive like from London to Grand Bend timewise?

I've got plans for Sat. nite, going to the drive-in up in guelph, all-niter is shrek2, envy, eurotrip & win a date.
So if the grand bend cottage thing is going down, i'll be up for the day sat. and it's a free world so if your interested come out to the drive-in.

Anyone Up For A Meet On 24 Week End? - GapBoyPCS - 05-22-2004

j3rt,May 21 2004, 11:33 AM Wrote:what's the drive like from London to Grand Bend timewise?

I've got plans for Sat. nite, going to the drive-in up in guelph, all-niter is shrek2, envy, eurotrip & win a date.
So if the grand bend cottage thing is going down, i'll be up for the day sat. and it's a free world so if your interested come out to the drive-in.
I might be interested in the drive in idea.

With the gas prices lately, I'm really trying to control spending and reducing the mileage (a bit).