03-01-2006, 02:34 AM
Quote:Good question here and maybe one of you can answer it. Within the union terms, if say Ford was bought out by Toyota, could the union be removed in any circumstance?
What if Toyota decided to buy ford and sell off its assets and liquidate?
Well, the question is... invalid. I mean, it would never happen. Ever.
Why would Toyota "buy" Ford? There is no value there. There current situation is an example that the management and engineering staff are incapable of designing a good product. The plants are mostly old, and staffed by largely inefficient, unskilled, overpaid workers, and they're sitting on polluted land that carries billions of dollars in risk of environmental cleanup costs.
They'd be better off just doing as they are doing now, and slowly expanding, building new plants in green fields, and hiring new, young, unpoisoned workers, or *stealing* away any current CAW workers who want to have a more satisfying work environment and better chances of long term success, who are ambitious enough to know they don't need a union to protect them.
But to attempt to answer your question more directly, if such a situation were to arrise, the CAW/UAW would block any such sale if it did not allow them to continue their union.
They've already done it with the spinoffs of Visteon and Delphi. They would not allow anybody to "buy" their plants unless the union could continue AND the auto company guaranteed the new company would exist forever.